Implement dynamic scaling of the LineEdit right icon based on control…
Implement dynamic scaling of the LineEdit right icon based on control…
Implement dynamic scaling of the LineEdit right icon based on control…
Implement dynamic scaling of the LineEdit right icon based on control…
Force push
Implement dynamic scaling of the LineEdit right icon based on control…
Implement dynamic scaling of the LineEdit right icon based on control…
Force push
Implement dynamic scaling of the LineEdit right icon based on control…
Implement dynamic scaling of the LineEdit right icon based on control…
Force push
Updated branch
Missing commit
Updated branch
Force pushMissing commit
Updated branch
Force pushMissing commit
Updated branch
Force pushMissing commit
Updated branch
Missing commit
Updated branch
Missing commit
Updated branch
Missing commit
Implement dynamic scaling of the LineEdit right icon based on control…
Implement dynamic scaling of the LineEdit right icon based on control…
Implement dynamic scaling of the LineEdit right icon based on control…
Implement dynamic scaling of the LineEdit right icon based on control…
Force push
Updated branch
Force pushMissing commit
Updated branch
Force pushMissing commit
Allow modification of the color for the checkbox's checked and unchec…
Allow modification of the color for the checkbox's checked and unchec…
Force push
Updated branch
Force pushMissing commit
Save color palette as resources to reuse later
Save color palette as resources to reuse later
Force push
Updated branch
Force pushMissing commit
Updated branch
Force pushMissing commit
Updated branch
Force pushMissing commit
Merge branch 'implement-7946' into
Merge branch 'implement-7946' into
Force push
Allow modification of the color for the checkbox's checked and unchec…
Allow modification of the color for the checkbox's checked and unchec…
Force push
Implement dynamic scaling of the LineEdit right icon based on control…
Implement dynamic scaling of the LineEdit right icon based on control…
Force push
Save color palette as resources to reuse later
Save color palette as resources to reuse later
Force push