This textual / aiomqtt python application listens to MQTT for energy information from Tasmota devices.
On the Tasmota device a rule is needed to generate the data. The rule can be added to the device via the web console and uses var1-4:
on energy#voltage!=%var1% do var1 %value% endon
on energy#current!=%var2% do var2 %value% endon
on energy#power!=%var3% do var3 %value% endon
on energy#factor!=%var4% do var4 %value% endon
More information is available on rules:
pip -i aiomqtt textual
Add the information specific for the environment:
MQTT_HOST = 'fill in your mqtt host here'
MQTT_PORT = 'add your mqtt port here'
MQTT_USER = "name that user"
MQTT_PASS = "password"
CLIENT_ID = 'put your client id here'
Now split, the left is the powertable (for now) and the right is the log widget
to dump mqtt messages that don't match, input or other stuff.
command, right suggestions and up/down to scroll the list.
vherolf for extending what I started.
I've now included some of that extension into this update.
The textualize and aiomqtt developers,