In the future, the keyboard has become an antiquated piece of technology that any cutting-edge devoloper worth his marbles would never place his fingers on. The trajectory is clear; all of us at some point have been writing Python code when a sudden thought befalls you: You could be so much more productive if you could just select the characters you wish to type using an Apple Scroll Wheel! Better yet, what if the scroll wheel simply generated digits of Pi that correspond to ASCII values? The application of such a powerful interface is clear. You probably are shaking your head wondering how in the world you never came up with such a solution before. The future is now!
- Fetches Pi digits using A-Pi
- User uses the innovative scroll wheel to select a triplet
- Run it in Python!
Note: Although the gif did not record mouse movements, I can assure you that the tape movement was generated by rotating the wheel painstakingly slowly (on a trackpad)
- Install dependencies: npm, electron
git clone
- run
npm install
- run
- run
npm start
- run
npm run electron
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
Michael Bennett Ryan Zacharias