A pomodoro timer built on Tkinter and a hint of Pygame :)
Pomobozo is a school project I made back in November 2023 (I think?) in my CS class. It was in a very early stage but there was something about it that I wanted to change, which is why this repo exists. (Image below of main login page)
Pomobozo has custom time settings for both your work and break intervals, on top of common time settings like 20, 30 and 45 minute work periods. (See image below)
It runs off a simple and minimalistic UI design (all done by me), thanks to Tkinter's simplicity.
The big thing that I want to emphisize here is custom time settings. As far as I know, no pomodoro timer out there has a setting like such, and I personally like this sort of functionality, especially for people who like to study for longer periods of time.
Of course, if you do use this, it'd make me super duper happy :) But as always, I'm simply here to showcase my projects to the world and have fun while doing it.
Thanks a bunch for checking out this repo and my project :D
As always, if this somehow managed to get traction and people seriously want me to update this app, I'll definietly do so! If you guys wanna get in contact with me, feel free to do so on Discord through my username: nubbieeee