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A [WIP] Library & Client implementation of luarocks


lux is a work in progress and does not have a stable release yet.

Lux serves as an application for:

  • Installing and managing rocks
  • Creating Lua projects with dependencies, build scripts and desired Lua versions
  • Creating and publishing your own rocks
  • Embedding rock manipulation logic into your own application


This aims to be a full rewrite of luarocks, with many flags altered to be more ergonomic. This is not a drop-in replacement for luarocks commands you may have in scripts.

📚 Usage

lx <command> <options>

To view available options and their descriptions, run lx --help.

Comparison with luarocks v3.11.1

As this project is still a work in progress, some luarocks features have not been (fully) implemented yet. On the other hand, lux has some features that are not present in luarocks.

The following table provides a brief (incomplete) comparison:

lux luarocks v3.11.1
project RockSpec format TOML Lua
builtin build spec
make build spec
cmake build spec
command build spec
custom build backends 1
rust-mlua build spec ✅ (builtin) ✅ (external build backend)
RockSpecs with CVS/Mercurial/SVN/SSCM sources ❌ (YAGNI2)
install pre-built binary rocks
parallel builds/installs
install multiple packages with a single command
install packages using version constraints
proper lockfile support with integrity checks ❌ (basic, dependency versions only)
auto-detect external dependencies and Lua headers with pkg-config
automatic lua detection/installation
resolve multiple versions of the same dependency at runtime ❌ (planned)
run tests with busted
code formatting with stylua
linting with luacheck
static type checking ❌ (planned)
pack and upload pre-built binary rocks
add/remove dependencies manifest namespaces dev packages

📖 License

Lux is licensed under MIT.

💚 Contributing

Contributions are more than welcome! See for a guide.


  1. Supported via a compatibility layer that uses luarocks as a backend.

  2. You Aren't Gonna Need It.