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Cloud function code used by terraform and cloud deployment manager to collect resource information

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This is a Python-based project that uses the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Asset API to ingest GCP resources. The assets are then sent to a GCP bucket and subsequently to a pub/sub service. On the receiving end, we poll the pub/sub for these resources.

Architecture and Design

  • Use the GCP Asset API to export assets to a GCP Bucket.
  • Process the GCS directory and check for the presence of the lock file.
  • Parse each blob (file) in the GCS directory:
    • Skip if the blob is a directory, empty, or is the lock file.
    • Parse the blob content into a list of JSON objects.
  • Extract the asset type and content type from each blob's path.
  • Publish the JSON objects to a pub/sub service with relevant headers.
  • Once processed, each blob is deleted from the GCS directory.
  • After all blobs are processed, the lock file is deleted.


The observeinc/collection/google module installs this application as a Google Cloud function along with other required resources.


Setting up the Docker Environment

To prepare your local development environment with Docker:

PROJECT_ID=foobar make docker/dev

Replace foobar with your actual project ID.

Setting Up the Environment for Local Development

After initializing your Docker environment, set up the necessary environment variables:

export PARENT="your_value_here"
export PROJECT="your_value_here"
export OUTPUT_BUCKET="your_value_here"
export PUBSUB_TOPIC="your_value_here"
export TASK_QUEUE="your_value_here"
export GCP_REGION="your_value_here"
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL="your_value_here"
export GCS_TO_PUBSUB_CLOUD_FUNCTION_URI="your_value_here"

Replace your_value_here with the actual values for your environment.

Manual Testing

The following code snippets facilitate local development and testing:

# Manual call for testing
# mock_request = Mock()
# mock_request.get_json.return_value = {
#     "asset_types": ["*"],
#     "content_types": ["RESOURCE"],
# }
# export_assets(mock_request)

# blob_path = "dev-content-eng-colin-bucket/asset_export_v2_20230809141905/RESOURCE/operation_name.txt"
# create_cloud_task(blob_path)

# data = 'asset_export_v2_20230809141905/RESOURCE/operation_name.txt'
# response = gcs_to_pubsub(data)

# bucket_name = "dev-content-eng-colin-bucket"
# resource_prefix = "asset_export_v2_20230808210346/IAM_POLICY/"
# process_gcs_directory(bucket_name, resource_prefix)

Docker and Makefile Usage

Utilize Docker and the Makefile to manage build and test processes:

  • Build the Docker image:
make docker/build
  • Run the Docker container for development:
PROJECT_ID=foobar make docker/dev
  • Execute tests inside the Docker container:
make docker/test
  • Clean up Docker images:
make docker/clean


Use Python's unittest framework for testing. Run the entire test suite:

make test

For specific tests, use the following commands:

  • Run all tests in a specific file:
python -m pytest tests/
  • Run all tests in a specific class of a test file:
python -m pytest tests/
  • Execute a particular test within a class:
python -m pytest tests/


  1. Fork the repository (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request