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Merge pull request #320 from lsylvestre/master
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support for test code reuse
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yurug authored May 27, 2020
2 parents 43a1d03 + 7b5d29b commit 42d8127
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Showing 6 changed files with 344 additions and 23 deletions.
23 changes: 14 additions & 9 deletions docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,37 +32,42 @@ to get the files for step 1, and replace `step-1` by `step-2` to
get the files for the second step, and so on and so forth.

## The tutorials
[Step 0 : Preliminaries](../tutorials/step-0)
[Step 0 : Preliminaries](tutorials/

- Structure of an exercise

- Purpose of each file

[Step 1: Create a trivial exercise](../tutorials/step-1)
[Step 1: Create a trivial exercise](tutorials/

[Step 2: Basic grading by comparison with your solution](../tutorials/step-2)
[Step 2: Basic grading by comparison with your solution](tutorials/

- Simple example to grade by comparison with a solution

- With polymorphic functions

- With multiple arguments functions

[Step 3: Grading with generators for Ocaml built-in types](../tutorials/step-3)
[Step 3: Grading with generators for Ocaml built-in types](tutorials/

- Generate tests by using the pre-construct samplers

- Generate tests by defining its own sampler

[Step 4: Grading with generators for user-defined types](../tutorials/step-4)
[Step 4: Grading with generators for user-defined types](tutorials/

- Generate tests for non-parametric user-defined types

- Generate tests for parametric user-defined types

[Step 5 : More test functions](../tutorials/step-5)
[Step 5 : More test functions](tutorials/

[Step 6 : Grading functions for variables](../tutorials/step-6)

[Step 7 : Introspection of students code](../tutorials/step-7)
[Step 6 : Grading functions for variables](tutorials/

[Step 7 : Modifying the comparison functions (testers) with the optional arguments [~test], [~test_stdout], [~test_stderr]](tutorials/

[Step 8 : Reusing the grader code](tutorials/

- Separating the grader code

[Step 9 : Introspection of students code](tutorials/
190 changes: 190 additions & 0 deletions docs/tutorials/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
# Step 8: Reusing the grader code

This step explains how to separate the grader code, and eventually reuse it in
other exercises.

During the grading, the file **** is evaluated in an environment that
contains notably:
- **** and **** ;
- the student code isolated in a module `Code` ;
- **** in a module `Solution` ;
- the grading modules **Introspection**, **Report** and **Test_lib**.

### Separating the grader code

It is possible to extend this environment by declaring some other user-defined
modules in an optional file **depend.txt**, located in the exercise directory.

Each declaration in **depend.txt** is a single line containing the relative path
of an *.ml* or *.mli* file. The order of the *.ml* declarations specifies the
order in which each module is loaded in the grading environment.

By default each dependency ** is isolated in a module *Foo*, which can be
constrained by the content of an optional signature file *foo.mli*. Furthermore,
an annotation `[@@@included]` can be used at the beginning of a file ** to
denote that all the bindings of ** are evaluated in the toplevel
environment (and not in a module *Foo*).

Dependencies that are not defined at the root of the exercise repository are
ignored by the build system: therefore, if you modify them, do not forget to
refresh the timestamp of `` (using `touch` for instance).

### A complete example

Let's write an exercise dedicated to *Peano numbers*. Here is the structure of
the exercise:

├── exercises
│ ├── index.json
│ └── lib
│ │ ├──
│ │ └── check.mli
│ ├── peano
│ │ ├── depend.txt
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├── meta.json
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ └── tests
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ ├── an-other-exercise
│ │ ├── depend.txt
│ │ │ ...
The exercise **peano** follows the classical format : ****,
****, ****, **** and ****.
It also includes several dependencies (****, ****, ****
and ****) which are declared as follows in **depend.txt**:

../lib/ # a comment

Here is in details the source code of the exercise :

- ****

> * implement the function `add : peano -> peano -> peano` ;
> * implement the functions `odd : peano -> bool` and `even : peano -> bool`.
- ****
type peano = Z | S of peano

- ****
let rec add n = function
| Z -> n
| S m -> S (add n m)
let rec odd = function
| Z -> false
| S n -> even n
and even = function
| Z -> true
| S n -> odd n

- ****
let () =
Check.safe_set_result [ Add.test ; Odd_even.test ]

Note that **** is very compact because it simply combines functions
defined in separated files.

- **../lib/**:
open Test_lib
open Report
let safe_set_result tests =
set_result @@
ast_sanity_check code_ast @@ fun () ->
List.mapi (fun i test ->
Section ([ Text ("Question " ^ string_of_int i ^ ":") ],
test ())) tests
- **../lib/check.mli**:
val safe_set_result : (unit -> Report.t) list -> unit

- **tests/**:
let test () =
[%ty : peano -> peano -> peano ] "add"
[ (Z, Z) ; (S(Z), S(S(Z))) ]
- **tests/** :
let test () =
[%ty : peano -> bool ] "odd"
[ Z ; S(Z) ; S(S(Z)) ]
[%ty : peano -> bool ] "even"
[ Z ; S(Z) ; S(S(Z)) ]
Remember that **Test_lib** internally requires a user-defined sampler
`sample_peano : unit -> peano` to generate value of type `peano`. This sampler
has to be present in the toplevel environment -- and not in a module -- in order
to be found by the introspection primitives during grading. Therefore,
we define this sampler in a file starting with the annotation `[@@@included]`.
- **tests/**:
let sample_peano () =
let rec aux = function
| 0 -> Z
| n -> S (aux (n-1))
in aux ( 42)

Finally, the content of **** will be evaluated in the following

val print_html : 'a -> 'b
type peano = Z | S of peano
module Code :
val add : peano -> peano -> peano
val odd : peano -> bool
val even : peano -> bool
module Solution :
val add : peano -> peano -> peano
val odd : peano -> bool
val even : peano -> bool
module Test_lib : Test_lib.S
module Report = Learnocaml_report
module Check : sig val check_all : (unit -> Report.t) list -> unit end
val sample_peano : unit -> peano
module Add : sig val test : unit -> Report.t end
module Odd_even : sig val test : unit -> Report.t end

In the end, this feature can provide an increased comfort for writing large a
utomated graders and for reusing them in other exercises.

44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions src/grader/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -142,6 +142,50 @@ let get_grade
Toploop_ext.use_string ~print_outcome ~ppf_answer
"module Report = Learnocaml_report" ;
set_progress [%i"Launching the test bench."] ;
let () =
let open Learnocaml_exercise in
let files = File.dependencies (access File.depend exo) in
let rec load_dependencies signatures = function
| [] -> () (* signatures without implementation are ignored *)
| file::fs ->
let path = File.key file
and content = decipher file exo in
let modname = String.capitalize_ascii @@
Filename.remove_extension @@ Filename.basename path in
match Filename.extension path with
| ".mli" -> load_dependencies ((modname,content) :: signatures) fs
| ".ml" ->
let included,content =
(* the first line of an .ml file can contain an annotation *)
(* [@@@included] which denotes that this file has to be included *)
(* directly in the toplevel environment, and not in an module. *)
match String.index_opt content '\n' with
| None -> (false,content)
| Some i ->
(match String.trim (String.sub content 0 i) with
| "[@@@included]" ->
let content' = String.sub content i @@
(String.length content - i)
in (true,content')
| _ -> (false,content))
(handle_error (internal_error [%i"while loading user dependencies"]) @@
match included with
| true -> Toploop_ext.use_string ~print_outcome ~ppf_answer
~filename:(Filename.basename path) content
| false ->
let use_mod =
Toploop_ext.use_mod_string ~print_outcome ~ppf_answer ~modname in
match List.assoc_opt modname signatures with
| Some sig_code -> use_mod ~sig_code content
| None -> use_mod content);
load_dependencies signatures fs
| _ -> failwith ("uninterpreted dependency \"" ^ path ^
"\", file extension expected : .ml or .mli") in
load_dependencies [] files
handle_error (internal_error [%i"while testing your solution"]) @@
Toploop_ext.use_string ~print_outcome ~ppf_answer ~filename:(file "")
(Learnocaml_exercise.(decipher File.test exo)) ;
Expand Down

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