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Compiler: track block mutability (#1603)
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hhugo authored Apr 18, 2024
1 parent b734348 commit f86814f
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Showing 14 changed files with 99 additions and 54 deletions.
18 changes: 14 additions & 4 deletions compiler/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -333,13 +333,17 @@ type special =
| Undefined
| Alias_prim of string

type mutability =
| Immutable
| Maybe_mutable

type expr =
| Apply of
{ f : Var.t
; args : Var.t list
; exact : bool
| Block of int * Var.t array * array_or_not
| Block of int * Var.t array * array_or_not * mutability
| Field of Var.t * int
| Closure of Var.t list * cont
| Constant of constant
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -479,8 +483,14 @@ module Print = struct
if exact
then Format.fprintf f "%a!(%a)" Var.print g var_list args
else Format.fprintf f "%a(%a)" Var.print g var_list args
| Block (t, a, _) ->
Format.fprintf f "{tag=%d" t;
| Block (t, a, _, mut) ->
(match mut with
| Immutable -> "imm"
| Maybe_mutable -> "")
for i = 0 to Array.length a - 1 do
Format.fprintf f "; %d = %a" i Var.print a.(i)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -732,7 +742,7 @@ let invariant { blocks; start; _ } =
let check_expr = function
| Apply _ -> ()
| Block (_, _, _) -> ()
| Block (_, _, _, _) -> ()
| Field (_, _) -> ()
| Closure (l, cont) ->
List.iter l ~f:define;
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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion compiler/lib/code.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -180,13 +180,17 @@ type special =
| Undefined
| Alias_prim of string

type mutability =
| Immutable
| Maybe_mutable

type expr =
| Apply of
{ f : Var.t
; args : Var.t list
; exact : bool (* if true, then # of arguments = # of parameters *)
| Block of int * Var.t array * array_or_not
| Block of int * Var.t array * array_or_not * mutability
| Field of Var.t * int
| Closure of Var.t list * cont
| Constant of constant
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion compiler/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ and mark_expr st e =
| Apply { f; args; _ } ->
mark_var st f;
List.iter args ~f:(fun x -> mark_var st x)
| Block (_, a, _) -> Array.iter a ~f:(fun x -> mark_var st x)
| Block (_, a, _, _) -> Array.iter a ~f:(fun x -> mark_var st x)
| Field (x, _) -> mark_var st x
| Closure (_, (pc, _)) -> mark_reachable st pc
| Special _ -> ()
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion compiler/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ let expr s e =
| Constant _ -> e
| Apply { f; args; exact } ->
Apply { f = s f; args = args ~f:(fun x -> s x); exact }
| Block (n, a, k) -> Block (n, a ~f:(fun x -> s x), k)
| Block (n, a, k, mut) -> Block (n, a ~f:(fun x -> s x), k, mut)
| Field (x, n) -> Field (s x, n)
| Closure _ -> failwith "Inlining/Duplicating closure is currenly not supported"
| Special x -> Special x
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16 changes: 10 additions & 6 deletions compiler/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ let is_int info x =
(fun x ->
match Flow.Info.def info x with
| Some (Constant (Int _)) -> Y
| Some (Block (_, _, _) | Constant _) -> N
| Some (Block (_, _, _, _) | Constant _) -> N
| None | Some _ -> Unknown)
(fun u v ->
Expand All @@ -196,8 +196,12 @@ let the_tag_of info x get =
(fun x ->
match Flow.Info.def info x with
| Some (Block (j, _, _)) ->
if Flow.Info.possibly_mutable info x then None else get j
| Some (Block (j, _, _, mut)) ->
if Flow.Info.possibly_mutable info x
then (
assert (Poly.(mut = Maybe_mutable));
else get j
| Some (Constant (Tuple (j, _, _))) -> get j
| None | Some _ -> None)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,7 +282,7 @@ let eval_instr info ((x, loc) as i) =
| Let (x, Prim (Extern "caml_sys_const_backend_type", [ _ ])) ->
let jsoo = Code.Var.fresh () in
[ Let (jsoo, Constant (String "js_of_ocaml")), noloc
; Let (x, Block (0, [| jsoo |], NotArray)), loc
; Let (x, Block (0, [| jsoo |], NotArray, Immutable)), loc
| Let (_, Prim (Extern ("%resume" | "%perform" | "%reperform"), _)) ->
[ i ] (* We need that the arguments to this primitives remain variables *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -338,7 +342,7 @@ let the_cond_of info x =
| NativeString _
| Float_array _
| Int64 _ )) -> Non_zero
| Some (Block (_, _, _)) -> Non_zero
| Some (Block (_, _, _, _)) -> Non_zero
| Some (Field _ | Closure _ | Prim _ | Apply _ | Special _) -> Unknown
| None -> Unknown)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -381,7 +385,7 @@ let rec do_not_raise pc visited blocks =
| Array_set (_, _, _) | Offset_ref (_, _) | Set_field (_, _, _) | Assign _ -> ()
| Let (_, e) -> (
match e with
| Block (_, _, _) | Field (_, _) | Constant _ | Closure _ -> ()
| Block (_, _, _, _) | Field (_, _) | Constant _ | Closure _ -> ()
| Apply _ -> raise May_raise
| Special _ -> ()
| Prim (Extern name, _) when Primitive.is_pure name -> ()
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17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions compiler/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ let expr_deps blocks vars deps defs x e =
| Closure (l, cont) ->
List.iter l ~f:(fun x -> add_param_def vars defs x);
cont_deps blocks vars deps defs cont
| Block (_, a, _) -> Array.iter a ~f:(fun y -> add_dep deps x y)
| Block (_, a, _, _) -> Array.iter a ~f:(fun y -> add_dep deps x y)
| Field (y, _) -> add_dep deps x y

let program_deps { blocks; _ } =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ let propagate1 deps defs st x =
(fun z ->
match defs.(Var.idx z) with
| Expr (Block (_, a, _)) when n < Array.length a ->
| Expr (Block (_, a, _, _)) when n < Array.length a ->
let t = a.(n) in
add_dep deps x t;
Var.Tbl.get st t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ let rec block_escape st x =
Code.Var.ISet.add st.may_escape y;
Code.Var.ISet.add st.possibly_mutable y;
match st.defs.(Var.idx y) with
| Expr (Block (_, l, _)) -> Array.iter l ~f:(fun z -> block_escape st z)
| Expr (Block (_, l, _, _)) -> Array.iter l ~f:(fun z -> block_escape st z)
| _ -> ()))
(Var.Tbl.get st.known_origins x)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,15 +226,16 @@ let expr_escape st _x e =
| Pv v, `Shallow_const -> (
match st.defs.(Var.idx v) with
| Expr (Constant (Tuple _)) -> ()
| Expr (Block (_, a, _)) -> Array.iter a ~f:(fun x -> block_escape st x)
| Expr (Block (_, a, _, _)) ->
Array.iter a ~f:(fun x -> block_escape st x)
| _ -> block_escape st v)
| Pv v, `Object_literal -> (
match st.defs.(Var.idx v) with
| Expr (Constant (Tuple _)) -> ()
| Expr (Block (_, a, _)) ->
| Expr (Block (_, a, _, _)) ->
Array.iter a ~f:(fun x ->
match st.defs.(Var.idx x) with
| Expr (Block (_, [| _k; v |], _)) -> block_escape st v
| Expr (Block (_, [| _k; v |], _, _)) -> block_escape st v
| Expr (Constant _) -> ()
| _ -> block_escape st x)
| _ -> block_escape st v)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,7 +283,7 @@ let propagate2 ?(skip_param = false) defs known_origins possibly_mutable st x =
|| Var.Set.exists
(fun z ->
match defs.(Var.idx z) with
| Expr (Block (_, a, _)) ->
| Expr (Block (_, a, _, _)) ->
n >= Array.length a
|| Var.ISet.mem possibly_mutable z
|| Var.Tbl.get st a.(n)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -382,7 +383,7 @@ let direct_approx (info : Info.t) x =
then None
match info.info_defs.(Var.idx z) with
| Expr (Block (_, a, _)) when n < Array.length a -> Some a.(n)
| Expr (Block (_, a, _, _)) when n < Array.length a -> Some a.(n)
| _ -> None)
(fun u v ->
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion compiler/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ let iter_expr_free_vars f e =
| Apply { f = x; args; _ } ->
f x;
List.iter ~f args
| Block (_, a, _) -> Array.iter ~f a
| Block (_, a, _, _) -> Array.iter ~f a
| Field (x, _) -> f x
| Closure _ -> ()
| Special _ -> ()
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion compiler/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ let rec translate_expr ctx queue loc x e level : _ * J.statement_list =
let prop = or_p prop prop' in
let e = apply_fun ctx f args exact cps loc in
(e, prop, queue), []
| Block (tag, a, array_or_not) ->
| Block (tag, a, array_or_not, _mut) ->
let contents, prop, queue =
~f:(fun x (args, prop, queue) ->
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions compiler/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ let usages prog (global_info : : usage_kind Var.Map.t Var.Tbl.
~f:(fun a -> if variable_may_escape a global_info then add_use Compute x a)
| Block (_, vars, _) -> Array.iter ~f:(add_use Compute x) vars
| Block (_, vars, _, _) -> Array.iter ~f:(add_use Compute x) vars
| Field (z, _) -> add_use Compute x z
| Constant _ -> ()
| Special _ -> ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ let expr_vars e =
| Apply { f; args; _ } ->
let vars = Var.Set.add f vars in
List.fold_left ~f:(fun acc x -> Var.Set.add x acc) ~init:vars args
| Block (_, params, _) ->
| Block (_, params, _, _) ->
Array.fold_left ~f:(fun acc x -> Var.Set.add x acc) ~init:vars params
| Field (z, _) -> Var.Set.add z vars
| Prim (_, args) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ let liveness prog pure_funs (global_info : =
~f:(fun x -> if variable_may_escape x global_info then add_top x)
| Block (_, _, _)
| Block (_, _, _, _)
| Field (_, _)
| Closure (_, _)
| Constant _
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ let propagate uses defs live_vars live_table x =
(* If y is a live block, then x is the join of liveness fields that are x *)
| Live fields -> (
match Var.Tbl.get defs y with
| Expr (Block (_, vars, _)) ->
| Expr (Block (_, vars, _, _)) ->
let found = ref false in
~f:(fun i v ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ let zero prog sentinal live_table =
match instr with
| Let (x, e) -> (
match e with
| Block (start, vars, is_array) -> (
| Block (start, vars, is_array, mut) -> (
match Var.Tbl.get live_table x with
| Live fields ->
let vars =
Expand All @@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ let zero prog sentinal live_table =
|> compact_vars
let e = Block (start, vars, is_array) in
let e = Block (start, vars, is_array, mut) in
Let (x, e)
| _ -> instr)
| Apply ap ->
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions compiler/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -194,15 +194,15 @@ let expr_deps blocks st x e =
| Pv v, `Const -> do_escape st Escape_constant v
| Pv v, `Shallow_const -> (
match st.defs.(Var.idx v) with
| Expr (Block (_, a, _)) ->
| Expr (Block (_, a, _, _)) ->
Array.iter a ~f:(fun x -> do_escape st Escape x)
| _ -> do_escape st Escape v)
| Pv v, `Object_literal -> (
match st.defs.(Var.idx v) with
| Expr (Block (_, a, _)) ->
| Expr (Block (_, a, _, _)) ->
Array.iter a ~f:(fun x ->
match st.defs.(Var.idx x) with
| Expr (Block (_, [| _k; v |], _)) -> do_escape st Escape v
| Expr (Block (_, [| _k; v |], _, _)) -> do_escape st Escape v
| _ -> do_escape st Escape x)
| _ -> do_escape st Escape v)
| Pv v, `Mutable -> do_escape st Escape v);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ module Domain = struct
then (
st.may_escape.(idx) <- s;
match st.defs.(idx) with
| Expr (Block (_, a, _)) -> (
| Expr (Block (_, a, _, _)) -> (
Array.iter ~f:(fun y -> variable_escape ~update ~st ~approx s y) a;
match s with
| Escape ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ let propagate st ~update approx x =
(fun z ->
match st.defs.(Var.idx z) with
| Expr (Block (t, a, _))
| Expr (Block (t, a, _, _))
when n < Array.length a
match tags with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ let propagate st ~update approx x =
(fun z ->
match st.defs.(Var.idx z) with
| Expr (Block (_, lst, _)) ->
| Expr (Block (_, lst, _, _)) ->
Array.iter ~f:(fun t -> add_dep st x t) lst;
let a =
Expand Down

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