Translations are in scripts/nls/*.js
For technical bug reports use issues here on GitHub
For bugs from user perspective use commments on:
If you are interested in improving Smart RSS then there are few tips to get started.
First of all you will need several command line tools:
- Git (obviously) -
- Node.JS & npm -
- Grunt-cli - (npm install -g grunt-cli)
- Mocha - (npm install -g mocha) - for in-app integration tests I load mocha from cdn, but if you want to create out-of-app unit tests you will want to install this.
To setup your Smart RSS project open your console, go to your projects folders and type:
git clone smartrss
cd smartrss
npm install
You should also create .gitignore file including at least:
(*.sublime-* only if you use sublime text projects)
To check for jshint errors:
grunt jshint
To compile stylus files to css:
grunt stylus
You can also use watch task that will automatically compile your stylus files on change:
grunt watch
To generate source documentaion in ./docs run:
grunt yuidoc
In dev. builds you can run integration tests by pressing shift+insert directly in smart rss tab.
When you are done editing the code you should compile all the js files:
grunt rjs
and then switch to "publish" branch (that will make index.html (bgprocess) and rss.tml (app) use the compiled files instead of loading all the files separately) and rebase it.
git checkout publish
git rebase master
Then you can use Opera to make extenion out of it. Opera will automatically ignore all files and folders beggining with "." like ".git", but you might want to remove some other files too (like sublime text projects files). You have to do this manually or use some script that will do this for you. I have a script to do this but it is not yet ready to get published. In future it might work like this:
grunt build
Then don't forget to switch back to master banch
git checkout master