A simple mail relay configuration.
Environement Variables :
- mxbck_myhostname : name (fqdn) of you machine
- mxbck_relay_domains : name of the DOMAIN to be relayed
- mxbck_cert : method to get TLS certificates (certbot)
- mxbck_certbot_mail : mail address (used by certbot for communication)
A Volume is required, used to store certbot certificates. To be mounted in /config
docker run -p 25:25 -p 80:80 --name mx-backup -d --volume /app/mx-backup/config:/config \
-e mxbck_myhostname=machine.local.domain \
-e mxbck_relay_domains=local.domain \
-e mxbck_cert=certbot \
-e mxbck_certbot_mail=admin@where.ever \