There's no place like ~/
These are the dotfiles for my current setup.
This configuration aims to be simple and portable. Yet there are some parts that won't work on MacOS.
The Installation section will guide you through the installation process.
For some visuals refer to the Gallery section.
Main software:
- WM: Sway
- OS: Void Linux
- Shell: ZSH
- Terminal: Alacritty
- Editor: Vim
- Launcher: Wofi
- Browser: Firefox -> See Firefox section
- Theme: Gruvbox
- Wallpaper: Wallpaper Flare
I use the configuration mostly on my Linux systems but partly on a mac for work. The install script is OS aware and will only create symlinks for macOS usable software if executed on macOS.
Furthermore the script will ask whether or not to install configuration files for Vim and Tmux from other repositories listed down below.
The install script won't install any packages, only config files.
The install script will clone the following repos:
- This repo.
- powerlevel10k
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
- zsh-autosuggestions
- oh-my-zsh
- gruvbox-gtk
- ranger-devicons
The install script will ask to clone / setup the following repos:
Furthermore the SourceCodePro Nerd Font will be installed.
- git
- stow
- wget
Clone all repositories and components without asking. Be careful, you might loose your own config files.
curl \
-fsSL \ \
-o install \
&& chmod +x install \
&& ./install
If there are current configuration files these will be moved to
$HOME/current_config_backup-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%m)"
so the install script should
not delete or override any files.
This script can be tested inside a docker container. The repository provides a Dockerfile to build an Ubuntu image including all needed packages to run my shell configuration. Some of the installed packages aren't needed to test the script itself but the functionality of the configuration afterwards.
The install script and the Dockerfile both know the GIT_BRANCH
env variable to
curl the install script from the right branch and checkout the right branch
after cloning. The default is the prod branch.
git clone
cd dotfiles
export branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
docker build -t install_test:"${branch}" --build-arg GIT_BRANCH="${branch}" .
docker container run -it install_test:"${branch}"
git clone
cd dotfiles
export branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
docker build -t install_test:"${branch}" --build-arg GIT_BRANCH="${branch}" .
docker container run -v $PWD:/root/.dotfiles -it install_test:"${branch}"
cd .dotfiles
The install script installs configuration files for the following software.
- Sway
- Wofi
- Firefox -> See Firefox section
- Alacritty
- Ranger
- Oh-my-zsh
- Powerlevel10k
- Zathura
- Ranger
- Bat
- Urlview
- Mako
- Pywal
For Vim and Tmux I use different repositories.
A big shoutout to dylanaraps for pywal. This is an awesome tool. It took me some time to reconfigure my system to use the full potential, but it is worth it a thousand times.
Firefox is highly customized using userChrome.css
- Open about:config.
- Set
The userChrome.css uses the colors created by
pywal. These are stored in ~/.cache/wal/colors.css
by default. To enable this
do the following:
- Open about:config.
- Set
. - Enable userChrome.css support. (FF 69+).
- Open about:profile.
- Find out currently used profile.
- Create
directory. - Create
file. - Add some rules.
- Restart Firefox.
To apply the Vimium config you need to apply the config in the plugin settings inside of Firefox. I didn't find a way to import the pywal colors so you need to generate the final config by hand.
- Generate config.
cat ~/.cache/wal/colors.css ~/.dotfiles/extra/firefox/vimium_theme | clipcopy
- Open Firefox.
- Type
into URL bar and hit Enter. - Go to Vimium preferences.
- Open "Advanced Options".
- Clear "CSS for Vimium UI".
- Paste the generated config into the empty text field.
- Save changes.
These are screenshots from my current Void Linux system.
- Create Keybing Section
- Create theming mechanism / script
- Copy wallpaper to ~/.cache/wallpaper.png
- Talk to pywal
- Set GTK theme
- generate vimium theme
- Themes
- Gruvbox
- Nord
- Dracula
- Onehalf
- Spaceduck
- Iceberg