Wrapper for github.com API written in Erlang.
The erlang-github-api project in very very early stage, it's only started to be developed.
- github.erl - general github api. -> progress - 100%
- auth.erl - authorization api. -> progrss - 50% (implemented basic auth)
- blobs.erl - blob api -> progress - 100% (implemeted get blob content, encoding, create new blob)
- define.hrl - github api urls
- gist.erl - github gist api -> progress 90% (implemented star, unstar, createe new gist, delete, get author, get content ...)
- messages.erl - make message to json format
- refs.erl - references -> progress 50% (implemented create ref)
- user.erl - github user api -> progress 90% (implmenented get user, get user data: email, login, bio, location and etc ...)
- utils.erl - utils functions
- Support Gists
- Git api
- Support Issues
- Organizations
- Repos
- Users
- Full support github API v.3
Example for usage, Get gist description:
% get gist description
1> gist:get_gist_description(1).
["the meaning of gist"]
% get gist pull url
2> gist:get_gist_pull_url(1).
% get gist public or private
3> gist:is_public(1).
% create new gist
4> gist:create_gist("github_user_name", "password", "Description", true, "file.txt", "Gist content").
>>> ok
- Ibrowse (https://github.com/cmullaparthi/ibrowse)
- Thank you lambder for json.er and json.hrl (https://github.com/lambder/jsonerl)
Issues - https://github.com/onlyshk/erlang-github-api
Fork erlang-github-api
Write some new features or fix bug
Test it
Pull request
License in LICENSE file
More info at kuleshovmail@gmail.com