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Quickstart Guide

Michael Vorburger edited this page Mar 9, 2015 · 7 revisions
  1. Download Git -
  2. Fork the project on Github and clone it to your system using Git Bash -git clone

Note:- Make sure you have the following environment variables setup before you execute the below steps :-

JAVA_HOME e.g. C:\dev\java\jdk7_u45

JAVA_OPTS e.g. -Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m

Use ./gradlew in Linux to execute script from current directory.

For users/non-developers : -

  1. Change directory to mifosx/mifosng-provider using command prompt/shell and execute Windows - gradlew -Penv=dev clean war / Linux - ./gradlew -Penv=dev clean war.
  2. Change directory to mifosx/mifosng-provider/build/libs and execute java -jar mifosng-provider.war (This launches the war with an embedded database so separate installation of MySQL is not required).

If all has gone well, the platform should be available at: https://localhost:8443/mifosng-provider/api/v1/offices?tenantIdentifier=default

To setup the front-end application, see Setting up Community UI Application Locally.

For developers : -

  1. Eclipse users - execute gradlew -Penv=dev cleanEclipse eclipse and import it into Eclipse (File -> Import -> General -> Existing projects into workspace) OR IntelliJ IDEA users - execute gradlew idea and import it into IDEA (File -> Import Project -> mifosng-provider.ipr). Note that the -Penv=dev downloads and enables the embedded database MariaDB4j dev support.

  2. Run ServerWithMariaDB4jApplication to launch Mifos X with an embedded database (Separate installation of MySQL is not required) OR install and setup MySQL( and run ServerApplication.

If all has gone well, the platform should be available at: https://localhost:8443/mifosng-provider/api/v1/offices?tenantIdentifier=default

To setup the front-end application, see Setting up Community UI Application Locally.