Releases: openwms/org.openwms
Releases · openwms/org.openwms
Release 3.0.0
What's Changed
- #178 Migration to SpringBoot 3.2.5 by @openwms in #178
- #173 Create a release train for migration to SpringBoot 3.x by @openwms in #173
- #179 When creating the LOCATION header a trailing slash must be removed by @openwms in #179
- #180 Add a common used Triple class to combine key/value/type by @openwms in #180
Full Changelog: 2.1.0...3.0.0
Release 2.1.0
Full Changelog: 2.0.0...2.1.0
Mayor features
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.7.16 (last support version of 2.x branch)
Release 2.0.0
- Upgrade to latest Spring Boot 2.7.12
Release 1.9.0
- Spring Boot 2.3.7
- Upgrade Dozer 6.5.0
- Latest ameba-lib 3.0
Full Changelog: 1.8.0...1.9.0
Release 1.8.0
- Spring Boot 2.3.1
- Minor changes in exception translation
Release 1.7.0
Switched to Spring Boot 2.2.1 and Java 11
- Spring Boot 2.2.1
- Project is built with Java 11
New Spring Boot Version
- New Spring Boot Version
- Improved the HTTP ExceptionHandler
Release of core library
- Built on Spring Boot 2.0.9.RELEASE
- Minimized parent pom declarations for extending projects
Release of core library
- Built on Spring Boot 2.0.6.RELEASE
- Depends on Ameba-lib 2.0
- Reduced sources to a minimum shared core for all microservices
- Still contains a I18n service that may separated in future versions