Send 'magic links' to your users that grants them authorized access to your application without the need for them to be signed in.
- Grant authorized access to a subset of controllers and actions only
- Set an expiry time on the magic link
- Quick and easy to implement via the use of magic link 'templates' and inbuilt url helpers
- Negligible performance overhead
This gem assumes you are using Devise for authentication, and already have it installed and configured. If you have not done so, then follow their setup instructions here:
It also requires that your application is using cookies.
- Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'magic_links'
- Install the gem
$ bundle install
- Copy across the magic link migrations and run them
rails magic_links:install:migrations
rails db:migrate
- Add the magic_link authentication strategy to your Devise configuration. For example, to enable magic_link authentication for 'users':
config.warden do |manager|
# adds magic_token_authentication before the devise defaults
manager.default_strategies(scope: :user).unshift :magic_token_authentication
To start creating magic links, you first need to specify one or more 'templates'. It is recommended that you do this by creating a magic_links initializer:
# This will enable the helper:
# `magic_link_for(current_user, :order_tracking, '/orders/12345/tracking')`, which will return a relative path, or
# `magic_url_for(current_user, :order_tracking, '/orders/12345/tracking')`, which will return a a full URL.
# the resulting path/URL (e.g. `/ot/abcd12345`) will redirect to `/orders/12345/tracking`,
# authenticating `current_user` to perform any actions permitted in the `action_scope`.
# In this case, the user can call the 'show' and 'edit' actions on the 'Orders::TrackingController' and the 'dashboard'
# action on 'CustomersController'
Rails.application.config.to_prepare do
name: :order_tracking,
pattern: '/ot/:token',
action_scope: {'orders/tracking': [:show, :edit], customers: :dashboard},
strength: :mild # mild (8 char strength), moderate (16), or strong (32)
The templates can then be used as arguments to the url helpers. For example, to generate a magic link that can be sent to a user:
magic_link_for(current_user, :order_tracking, order_tracking_path, expiry: 1.week.from_now)
# will output '/ot/abcd1234'
Note: If a user attempts to perform an action that isn't part of the magic token's scope, they will receive a 401 and, with Devise's default behavior will be redirected to a sign in page.
By default, the magic_links helper is included in ActionController
. If you would like to use the magic_links helpers
anywhere else (e.g. in a mailer) then you can simply include the helper manually.
module UserMailer
include MagicLinks::UrlHelper
When using the magic_url_for
helper you'll need to specify default_url_options for your development and testing
A magic token cookie is dropped on the client when a magic link is used. This cookie is used to authenticate subsequent requests. By default, the magic token cookie expiry (not to be confused with the expiry of the magic link) is set to 1 hour. You can override this setting by setting it in an initializer:
# in /config/initializers/magic_links.rb
MagicLinks.magic_token_cookie_expiry = 15.minutes
By setting a short expiry it reduces security risks on shared devices.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.