rsa-tool implemented in Python. An all-in-one tool to solve most of the problems at CTFs.
- Prime N detection
- Weak public key factorization
- Wiener's attack
- Hastad's attack (Small public exponent attack)
- Small q (q < 100,000)
- Common factor between ciphertext and modulus attack
- Fermat's factorisation for close p and q
- Gimmicky Primes method
- Past CTF Primes method
- Self-Initializing Quadratic Sieve (SIQS) using Yafu
- Common factor attacks across multiple keys
- Small fractions method when p/q is close to a small fraction
- Boneh Durfee Method when the private exponent d is too small compared to the modulus (i.e d < n^0.292)
- Elliptic Curve Method
- Pollards p-1 for relatively smooth numbers
git clone
cd integer-factorization/
Feel Free to explore each of the following tools.
Main files to run are the following
real_rsa ------ python
rsatool ------- python