Welcome to my Pasta on Rails with self-dockerized app (still working only 95%).
This has a nice db/seed.rb teaching you all about Italian best practices, but if you're American or, worse, British,
knowck yourself out by adding onion and cream to yuour carbonara. Nobody will die - except a Neapolitan at every
git commit
You can also find some goodies to deploy to GCP (eg Cloud Run).
Self: 🗣️ go/pasta-restore
This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
- Rails
- Ruby version:
- System dependencies:
- gem 'devise', for easy auth.
- gem 'bootstrap', dont know why
- ...
- (From Roberto) do the same with france and UK (maybe a namespace): fish and chips.
Yay! I just fixed it. Try:
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 palladius/pastang:v$(cat VERSION)
or something similar
Note to self: Skaffold config is kubectl config-dependant.
$ kubectl config current-context # find your context which gives you PROJECT
$ gcloud artifacts repositories list # gives you REPO and REGION
$ skaffold config set default-repo REGION-docker.pkg.dev/PROJECT/REPO
Or just use this awesome:
$ skaffold-autoconfigure-repo
My configs:
- at thome with my Mac M1:
- at work on my derek: (I believe on test31 prj) TODO(ricc)
- aspirina linux:
(gcloud container clusters get-credentials dev --zone us-central1-c --project vulcanina)
rails g scaffold pastas name:string description:text active:boolean # boolean :active, :default => true
# skipping users to use devise instead then add other stuff
rails g scaffold sauces name:string description:text active:boolean color:string #active, :default => true, color:default => 'rosso'
rails g scaffold pasta_sauces appropriate:boolean vote:integer notes:text pasta_id:integer sauce_id:integer
# Then change:
# :appropriate, :boolean, :default => true
# :vote, :integer, :default => 50
# add_index :pasta_sauces, [:sauce_id]
# add_index :pasta_sauces, [:pasta_id]
rails g scaffold events name:string
rails g scaffold ingredients name:string description:text tags:string
rails g scaffold ingredient_sauces necessary:boolean sauce_id:integer ingredient_id:integer notes:text
# Then change:
# t.boolean :necessary, :default => true
rails generate devise
# add_column :users, :likes, :string, :default => 'chocolate, salmon, @meat'
# add_column :users, :dislikes, :string, :default => '@vegetables, @tin_tuna'
# from https://github.com/heartcombo/devise/wiki/How-To:-Allow-users-to-sign-in-with-something-other-than-their-email-address
rails generate migration add_username_to_users username:string:uniq
- Cloud run: just created the
skaffold dev -p run
skaffold build -p run
skaffold render -p run
skaffold run -p run