Yamb is a module for nforum, a replacement of Mobile Module.
$ cd /path/to/nforum
### 1. vim config/nforum.php, add yamb configurations
$export['modules']['install'] = array('index', 'yamb'/** , other moduels */);
$export['modules']['yamb']['base'] = 'mobile';
$export['modules']['yamb']['domain'] = 'm';
### 2. add redirect rule to app/plugins/Redirect.php
### 3. add submodule
$ git submodule add git@github.com:paper777/yamb.git app/modules/Yamb
### 4. build
$ ./app/moduels/Yamb/scripts/build
### 5. add assets link
cd www && link -sf ../app/modules/Yamb/www/dist/yamb .
Thank you for considering contributing to the yamb module!
Any bugs just open an issue or submit a PR
- Front End Guide
Clone the repo and run npm install && npm run dev
- Back End
connect paper777#qq(dot)com