released this
23 Jan 17:26
New: Barcodes are now editable on master product page (thanks @DHM47 for the initial work) (#391 )
New: Quantity unit conversions are now editable on master product page (#396 )
New: Grouping feature for stock overview like on server
New: Grouping feature for shopping list which allows group by default store (#430 )
Improved: Unnecessary bottom sheets in master data section were removed
Improved: Master product page has new button (save without closing) to add barcodes after creation
Improved: Workflow for master data pages with keyboard
Improved: Navigation menu has less horizontal entries, transaction pages are in one row
Improved: Added option to show product description on shopping mode page (#443 )
Improved: Error message for 403 response "no permission" (#432 )
Improved: Shopping list item edit page now has better handling of invalid product input (#481 )
Fixed: Product info bottom sheet didn't open if location not set in product
Fixed: Scrollbars don't stop above the bottom anymore
Fixed: Unsorted lists on master data product pages (thanks @Turysaz ) (#473 )
Fixed: Search on master data products list was broken after back press
Fixed: 'Due soon days' value in stock overview was always 5 days
Fixed: Grocycode not looked up when using external scanner (#472 )
Fixed: Adding barcode now works on transaction pages even if product already selected (#480 )
Fixed: Product group filter on stock overview page always displayed ungrouped products (#484 )
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