PRTG Sensor - SSH Script - Yum update status - Days since last yum update
- Login to your Linux server
- Create directory /var/prtg/scripts
- Put sensor sh-script in this directory
- Make executable chmod +x sh-script
- Optional: Test it by executing the script
- Login to your Paessler PRTG Network Monitor
- Add your Linux server as new device if needed and setup "Credentials for Linux/Solaris/MAC OS (SSH/WBEM) Systems"
- Click "Add Sensor"
- Choose "SSH Script"
- Choose the right sh-script in the dropdown box under Sensor Settings > Script
- Optional: Set Warning or Error limit in days under "Edit Channel Settings" > "Enable Limits" > "Upper Warning Limit" AND "Upper Error Limit"
- Ready!
This sensor is tested with Linux Centos 6.x and 7.x