In order for the dotfiles to work, one needs to follow the installation instructions for the respective software package.
su -
apt install sudo vim tmux git awesome alacritty mutt xscreensaver irssi moc
sudo apt install abcde eyed3 lame python3-pylast
ln -s $HOME/dotfiles/.abcde.conf $HOME/.abcde.conf
mkdir -p $HOME/.config/alacritty
ln -s $HOME/dotfiles/alacritty/alacritty.yml $HOME/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml
Install the necessary packages
sudo apt install awesome awesome-extra\
Link the HOME directory appropriately
ln -s $HOME/dotfiles/awesome $HOME/.config/awesome
cd $HOME/dotfiles
Set up the delightful submodule/subrepo
git submodule init
git submodule update
Set up delightful's submodules
cd $HOME/dotfiles/awesome/delightful_repo
git submodule init
git submodule update
Set up the awesome-wm-widgets repository
cd $HOME/dotfiles/awesome
git clone
Download and install the Arc icons (required for awesome-wm-widgets)
git clone --depth 1 && cd arc-icon-theme
./ --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
Make sure that libgweather's locations file is in the expected format for
sudo gunzip /usr/share/libgweather/Locations.xml.gz
Ensure that xscreensaver
is installed so that the screensaver
functionality works.
sudo apt install xscreensaver
NOTE: The list of packages here might not be complete.
Create the following text as /usr/share/xsessions/awesome.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Highly configurable framework window manager
this will allow awesome to appear as a display manager option. Note that
is set to false
! If it is left at its true
value, awesome
won't turn up in the menu.
This setup for aweseome also requires the pa-applet
Gnome applet. This
applet is no longer contained in Gnome or in fact associated with the
PulseAudio project anymore. Nevertheless, it's useful for the setup here.
To install it, clone the repository and enter the repo directory:
git clone
cd pa-applet
To build the sources, the following packages need to be installed:
sudo apt install autoconf automake libglib2.0-dev libgtk-3-dev \
libnotify-dev libpulse-dev libx11-dev pkg-config
Now configure and build the project
autoreconf --install
It could be that the build barfs with an error about a deprecated function.
If this is the case, remove the -Werror
flag from src/
, rerun autoreconf
and ./configure
and run make
Once the binary has been built, copy it into the $HOME/bin
cp src/pa-applet $HOME/bin
ln -sf $HOME/dotfiles/.bashrc $HOME/.bashrc
ln -sf $HOME/dotfiles/.bash_aliases $HOME/.bash_aliases
sudo apt install bash-completion
sudo apt install ghc-ghci
ln -s $HOME/dotfiles/.ghci $HOME/.ghci
sudo apt install git
ln -s $HOME/dotfiles/.gitconfig $HOME/.gitconfig
ln -s $HOME/dotfiles/.gitignore_global $HOME/.gitignore_global
ln -s $HOME/dotfiles/.inputrc $HOME/.inputrc
sudo apt install irssi
ln -s $HOME/dotfiles/.irssi $HOME/.irssi
ln -s $HOME/dotfiles/.mailcap $HOME/.mailcap
There aren't any dotfiles for this, but it's handy to have around.
sudo apt install moc
sudo apt install mutt
ln -s $HOME/dotfiles/.muttrc_defaults $HOME/.muttrc_defaults
ln -s $HOME/dotfiles/.muttrc_colours $HOME/.muttrc_colours
sudo apt install newsboat
ln -s $HOME/dotfiles/.newsboat $HOME/.newsboat
sudo apt install screen
ln -s $HOME/dotfiles/.screenrc $HOME/.screenrc
Install tmux
and link the dotfile:
sudo apt install tmux
ln -s $HOME/dotfiles/.tmux.conf $HOME/.tmux.conf
Install tmux-mem-cpu-load in $HOME/bin
sudo apt install cmake g++
git clone
cd tmux-mem-cpu-load
cmake .
if [ ! -d "$HOME/bin" ]; then mkdir -p $HOME/bin; fi
cp tmux-mem-cpu-load $HOME/bin
Install vim
and link the dotfile:
sudo apt install vim vim-gtk
ln -s $HOME/dotfiles/.vimrc $HOME/.vimrc
is necessary so that Ruby support is available in vim
so that
the Command-T
plugin works.
Install the pathogen plugin:
sudo apt install vim-pathogen
Install the ctrlp plugin:
cd ~/.vim
git clone bundle/ctrlp.vim
Install the Command-T plugin:
sudo apt install -y ruby ruby-dev make
cd ~/.vim
git clone bundle/command-t
cd ~/.vim/bundle/command-t/ruby/command-t/ext/command-t/
ruby extconf.rb
Install the unimpaired plugin:
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://
Install the fugitive plugin:
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://
If the help for the given package can't be found and/or if the commands for
the given package don't show up, just run :Helptags
Install the syntastic plugin:
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone
Install the Vim Better Whitespace plugin:
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone
Since flake8
is used to run Python syntax checking, the flake8
is also required:
sudo apt install flake8
Install the vim-airline plugin:
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vim-airline
then run :Helptags
to generate help tags.
ln -s $HOME/dotfiles/.xmodmap $HOME/.xmodmap
sudo apt install xpdf
ln -s $HOME/dotfiles/.xpdfrc $HOME/.xpdfrc
sudo apt install xplanet
ln -s $HOME/dotfiles/.xplanet $HOME/.xplanet
mkdir $HOME/.xplanet/cloud_maps
Link script to update the cloud maps into ~/bin
ln -s $HOME/.xplanet/ $HOME/bin/
Run xplanet
like so:
xplanet -latitude 54.4 -longitude 9.7 -transparency
ln -s $HOME/dotfiles/.xsession $HOME/.xsession