Autodiff is a numerical optimization and linear algebra library for the Go / Golang programming language. It implements basic automatic differentation for many mathematical routines. The documentation of this package can be found here.
Autodiff defines three different scalar types. A Scalar contains a single mutable value that can be the result of a mathematical operation, whereas the value of a ConstScalar is constant and fixed when the scalar is created. Automatic differentiation is implemented by MagicScalar types that allow to compute first and second order derivatives. Autodiff supports the following scalars types:
Scalar | Implemented interfaces |
ConstInt8 | ConstScalar |
ConstInt16 | ConstScalar |
ConstInt32 | ConstScalar |
ConstInt64 | ConstScalar |
ConstInt | ConstScalar |
ConstFloat32 | ConstScalar |
ConstFloat64 | ConstScalar |
Int8 | ConstScalar, Scalar |
Int16 | ConstScalar, Scalar |
Int32 | ConstScalar, Scalar |
Int64 | ConstScalar, Scalar |
Int | ConstScalar, Scalar |
Float32 | ConstScalar, Scalar |
Float64 | ConstScalar, Scalar |
Real32 | ConstScalar, Scalar, MagicScalar |
Real64 | ConstScalar, Scalar, MagicScalar |
The ConstScalar, Scalar and MagicScalar interfaces define the following operations:
Function | Description |
GetInt8 | Get value as int8 |
GetInt16 | Get value as int16 |
GetInt32 | Get value as int32 |
GetInt64 | Get value as int64 |
GetInt | Get value as int |
GetFloat32 | Get value as float32 |
GetFloat64 | Get value as float64 |
Equals | Check if two constants are equal |
Greater | True if first constant is greater |
Smaller | True if first constant is smaller |
Sign | Returns the sign of the scalar |
The Scalar and MagicScalar interfaces define the following operations:
Function | Description |
SetInt8 | Set value by passing an int8 variable |
SetInt16 | Set value by passing an int16 variable |
SetInt32 | Set value by passing an int32 variable |
SetInt64 | Set value by passing an int64 variable |
SetInt | Set value by passing an int variable |
SetFloat32 | Set value by passing an float32 variable |
SetFloat64 | Set value by passing an float64 variable |
The Scalar and MagicScalar interfaces define the following mathematical operations:
Function | Description |
Min | Minimum |
Max | Maximum |
Abs | Absolute value |
Sign | Sign |
Neg | Negation |
Add | Addition |
Sub | Substraction |
Mul | Multiplication |
Div | Division |
Pow | Power |
Sqrt | Square root |
Exp | Exponential function |
Log | Logarithm |
Log1p | Logarithm of 1+x |
Log1pExp | Logarithm of 1+Exp(x) |
Logistic | Standard logistic function |
Erf | Error function |
Erfc | Complementary error function |
LogErfc | Log complementary error function |
Sigmoid | Numerically stable sigmoid function |
Sin | Sine |
Sinh | Hyperbolic sine |
Cos | Cosine |
Cosh | Hyperbolic cosine |
Tan | Tangent |
Tanh | Hyperbolic tangent |
LogAdd | Addition on log scale |
LogSub | Substraction on log scale |
SmoothMax | Differentiable maximum |
LogSmoothMax | Differentiable maximum on log scale |
Gamma | Gamma function |
Lgamma | Log gamma function |
Mlgamma | Multivariate log gamma function |
GammaP | Lower incomplete gamma function |
BesselI | Modified Bessel function of the first kind |
LogBesselI | Log of the Modified Bessel function of the first kind |
Autodiff implements dense and sparse vectors and matrices that support basic linear algebra operations. The following vector and matrix types are provided by autodiff:
Type | Scalar | Description |
DenseInt8Vector | Int8 | Dense vector of Int8 scalars |
DenseInt16Vector | Int16 | Dense vector of Int16 scalars |
DenseInt32Vector | Int32 | Dense vector of Int32 scalars |
DenseInt64Vector | Int64 | Dense vector of Int64 scalars |
DenseIntVector | Int | Dense vector of Int scalars |
DenseFloat32Vector | Float32 | Dense vector of Float32 scalars |
DenseFloat64Vector | Float64 | Dense vector of Float64 scalars |
DenseReal32Vector | Real32 | Dense vector of Real32 scalars |
DenseReal64Vector | Real64 | Dense vector of Real64 scalars |
SparseInt8Vector | Int8 | Sparse vector of Int8 scalars |
SparseInt16Vector | Int16 | Sparse vector of Int16 scalars |
SparseInt32Vector | Int32 | Sparse vector of Int32 scalars |
SparseInt64Vector | Int64 | Sparse vector of Int64 scalars |
SparseIntVector | Int | Sparse vector of Int scalars |
SparseFloat32Vector | Float32 | Sparse vector of Float32 scalars |
SparseFloat64Vector | Float64 | Sparse vector of Float64 scalars |
SparseReal32Vector | Real32 | Sparse vector of Real32 scalars |
SparseReal64Vector | Real64 | Sparse vector of Real64 scalars |
SparseConstInt8Vector | ConstInt8 | Sparse vector of ConstInt8 scalars |
SparseConstInt16Vector | ConstInt16 | Sparse vector of ConstInt16 scalars |
SparseConstInt32Vector | ConstInt32 | Sparse vector of ConstInt32 scalars |
SparseConstInt64Vector | ConstInt64 | Sparse vector of ConstInt64 scalars |
SparseConstIntVector | ConstInt | Sparse vector of ConstInt scalars |
SparseConstFloat32Vector | ConstFloat32 | Sparse vector of ConstFloat32 scalars |
SparseConstFloat64Vector | ConstFloat64 | Sparse vector of ConstFloat64 scalars |
DenseInt8Matrix | Int8 | Dense matrix of Int8 scalars |
DenseInt16Matrix | Int16 | Dense matrix of Int16 scalars |
DenseInt32Matrix | Int32 | Dense matrix of Int32 scalars |
DenseInt64Matrix | Int64 | Dense matrix of Int64 scalars |
DenseIntMatrix | Int | Dense matrix of Int scalars |
DenseFloat32Matrix | Float32 | Dense matrix of Float32 scalars |
DenseFloat64Matrix | Float64 | Dense matrix of Float64 scalars |
DenseReal32Matrix | Real32 | Dense matrix of Real32 scalars |
DenseReal64Matrix | Real64 | Dense matrix of Real64 scalars |
SparseInt8Matrix | Int8 | Sparse matrix of Int8 scalars |
SparseInt16Matrix | Int16 | Sparse matrix of Int16 scalars |
SparseInt32Matrix | Int32 | Sparse matrix of Int32 scalars |
SparseInt64Matrix | Int64 | Sparse matrix of Int64 scalars |
SparseIntMatrix | Int | Sparse matrix of Int scalars |
SparseFloat32Matrix | Float32 | Sparse matrix of Float32 scalars |
SparseFloat64Matrix | Float64 | Sparse matrix of Float64 scalars |
SparseReal32Matrix | Real32 | Sparse matrix of Real32 scalars |
SparseReal64Matrix | Real64 | Sparse matrix of Real64 scalars |
Autodiff defines three vector interfaces ConstVector, Vector, and MagicVector:
Interface | Function | Description |
ConstVector | Dim | Return the length of the vector |
ConstVector | Equals | Returns true if the two vectors are equal |
ConstVector | Table | Converts vector to a string |
ConstVector | Int8At | Returns the scalar at the given position as int8 |
ConstVector | Int16At | Returns the scalar at the given position as int16 |
ConstVector | Int32At | Returns the scalar at the given position as int32 |
ConstVector | Int64At | Returns the scalar at the given position as int64 |
ConstVector | IntAt | Returns the scalar at the given position as int |
ConstVector | Float32At | Returns the scalar at the given position as Float32 |
ConstVector | Float64At | Returns the scalar at the given position as Float64 |
ConstVector | ConstAt | Returns the scalar at the given position as ConstScalar |
ConstVector | ConstSlice | Returns a slice as a constant vector (ConstVector) |
ConstVector | AsConstMatrix | Convert vector to a matrix of type ConstMatrix |
ConstVector | ConstIterator | Returns a constant iterator |
ConstVector | CloneConstVector | Return a deep copy of the vector as ConstVector |
ConstVector, Vector | At | Return the scalar the given index |
ConstVector, Vector | Reset | Set all scalars to zero |
ConstVector, Vector | Set | Set the value and derivatives of a scalar |
ConstVector, Vector | Slice | Return a slice of the vector |
ConstVector, Vector | Export | Export vector to file |
ConstVector, Vector | Permute | Permute elements of the vector |
ConstVector, Vector | ReverseOrder | Reverse the order of vector elements |
ConstVector, Vector | Sort | Sort vector elements |
ConstVector, Vector | AppendScalar | Append a single scalar to the vector |
ConstVector, Vector | AppendVector | Append another vector |
ConstVector, Vector | Swap | Swap two elements of the vector |
ConstVector, Vector | AsMatrix | Convert vector to a matrix |
ConstVector, Vector | Iterator | Returns an iterator |
ConstVector, Vector | CloneVector | Return a deep copy of the vector as Vector |
ConstVector, Vector, MagicVector | MagicAt | Returns the scalar at the given position as MagicScalar |
ConstVector, Vector, MagicVector | MagicSlice | Resutns a slice as a magic vector (MagicVector) |
ConstVector, Vector, MagicVector | AppendMagicScalar | Append a single magic scalar |
ConstVector, Vector, MagicVector | AppendMagicVector | Append a magic vector |
ConstVector, Vector, MagicVector | AsMagicMatrix | Convert vector to a matrix of type MagicMatrix |
ConstVector, Vector, MagicVector | CloneMagicVector | Return a deep copy of the vector as MagicVector |
Vectors support the following mathematical operations:
Function | Description |
VaddV | Element-wise addition |
VsubV | Element-wise substraction |
VmulV | Element-wise multiplication |
VdivV | Element-wise division |
VaddS | Addition of a scalar |
VsubS | Substraction of a scalar |
VmulS | Multiplication with a scalar |
VdivS | Division by a scalar |
VdotV | Dot product |
Autodiff defines three matrix interfaces ConstMatrix, Matrix, and MagicMatrix:
Interface | Function | Description |
ConstMatrix | Dims | Return the number of rows and columns of the matrix |
ConstMatrix | Equals | Returns true if the two matrixs are equal |
ConstMatrix | Table | Converts matrix to a string |
ConstMatrix | Int8At | Returns the scalar at the given position as int8 |
ConstMatrix | Int16At | Returns the scalar at the given position as int16 |
ConstMatrix | Int32At | Returns the scalar at the given position as int32 |
ConstMatrix | Int64At | Returns the scalar at the given position as int64 |
ConstMatrix | IntAt | Returns the scalar at the given position as int |
ConstMatrix | Float32At | Returns the scalar at the given position as Float32 |
ConstMatrix | Float64At | Returns the scalar at the given position as Float64 |
ConstMatrix | ConstAt | Returns the scalar at the given position as ConstScalar |
ConstMatrix | ConstSlice | Returns a slice as a constant matrix (ConstMatrix) |
ConstMatrix | ConstRow | Returns the ith row as a ConstVector |
ConstMatrix | ConstCol | Returns the jth column as a ConstVector |
ConstMatrix | ConstIterator | Returns a constant iterator |
ConstMatrix | AsConstVector | Convert matrix to a vector of type ConstVector |
ConstMatrix | CloneConstMatrix | Return a deep copy of the matrix as ConstMatrix |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | At | Return the scalar the given index |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | Reset | Set all scalars to zero |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | Set | Set the value and derivatives of a scalar |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | Slice | Return a slice of the matrix |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | Export | Export matrix to file |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | Permute | Permute elements of the matrix |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | ReverseOrder | Reverse the order of matrix elements |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | Sort | Sort matrix elements |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | AppendScalar | Append a single scalar to the matrix |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | AppendMatrix | Append another matrix |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | Swap | Swap two elements of the matrix |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | SwapRows | Swap two rows |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | SwapCols | Swap two columns |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | PermuteRows | Permute rows |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | PermuteCols | Permute columns |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | Row | Returns a copy of the ith row as a Vector |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | Col | Returns a copy of the jth column a Vector |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | T | Returns a transposed matrix |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | Tip | Transpose in-place |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | AsVector | Convert matrix to a vector of type Vector |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | Iterator | Returns an iterator |
ConstMatrix, Matrix | CloneMatrix | Return a deep copy of the matrix as Matrix |
ConstMatrix, Matrix, MagicMatrix | MagicAt | Returns the scalar at the given position as MagicScalar |
ConstMatrix, Matrix, MagicMatrix | MagicSlice | Resutns a slice as a magic matrix (MagicMatrix) |
ConstMatrix, Matrix, MagicMatrix | MagicT | Returns a transposed matrix of type MagicMatrix |
ConstMatrix, Matrix, MagicMatrix | AppendMagicScalar | Append a single magic scalar |
ConstMatrix, Matrix, MagicMatrix | AppendMagicMatrix | Append a magic matrix |
ConstMatrix, Matrix, MagicMatrix | CloneMagicMatrix | Return a deep copy of the matrix as MagicMatrix |
Matrices support the following linear algebra operations:
Function | Description |
MaddM | Element-wise addition |
MsubM | Element-wise substraction |
MmulM | Element-wise multiplication |
MdivM | Element-wise division |
MaddS | Addition of a scalar |
MsubS | Substraction of a scalar |
MmulS | Multiplication with a scalar |
MdivS | Division by a scalar |
MdotM | Matrix product |
Outer | Outer product |
Methods, such as VaddV and MaddM, are generic and accept vector or matrix types that implement the respective ConstVector or ConstMatrix interface. However, opertions on interface types are much slower than on concrete types, which is why most vector and matrix types in autodiff also implement methods that operate on concrete types. For instance, DenseFloat64Vector implements a method called VADDV that takes as arguments two objects of type DenseFloat64Vector. Methods that operate on concrete types are always named in capital letters.
The algorithms package contains more complex linear algebra and optimization routines:
Package | Description |
Adam | Adam stochastic gradient method |
bfgs | Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) algorithm |
blahut | Blahut algorithm (channel capacity) |
cholesky | Cholesky and LDL factorization |
determinant | Matrix determinants |
eigensystem | Compute Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors |
gaussJordan | Gauss-Jordan algorithm |
gradientDescent | Vanilla gradient desent algorithm |
gramSchmidt | Gram-Schmidt algorithm |
hessenbergReduction | Matrix Hessenberg reduction |
lineSearch | Line-search (satisfying the Wolfe conditions) |
matrixInverse | Matrix inverse |
msqrt | Matrix square root |
msqrtInv | Inverse matrix square root |
newton | Newton's method (root finding and optimization) |
qrAlgorithm | QR-Algorithm for computing Schur decompositions |
rprop | Resilient backpropagation |
svd | Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) |
saga | SAGA stochastic average gradient descent method |
Import the autodiff library with
import . ""
A scalar holding the value 1.0 can be defined in several ways, i.e.
a := NullScalar(Real64Type)
b := NewReal64(1.0)
c := NewFloat64(1.0)
a and b are both MagicScalars, however a has type Scalar whereas b has type *Real64 which implements the Scalar interface. Variable c is of type Float64 which cannot carry any derivatives. Basic operations such as additions are defined on all Scalars, i.e.
a.Add(a, b)
which stores the result of adding a and b in a. The ConstFloat64 type allows to define float64 constants without allocation of additional memory. For instance
a.Add(a, ConstFloat64(1.0))
adds a constant value to a where a type cast is used to define the constant 1.0.
To differentiate a function f(x,y) = x y^3 + 4, we define
f := func(x, y ConstScalar) MagicScalar {
// compute f(x,y) = x*y^3 + 4
z := NewReal64()
z.Pow(y, ConstFloat64(3.0))
z.Mul(z, x)
z.Add(z, ConstFloat64(4.0))
return z
that accepts as arguments two ConstScalar variables and returns a MagicScalar. We first define two MagicReal variables
x := NewReal64(2)
y := NewReal64(4)
that store the value at which the derivatives should be evaluated. Afterwards, x and y must be activated with
Variables(2, x, y)
where the first argument sets the order of the derivatives. Variables() should only be called once, as it allocates memory for the given magic variables. In this case, derivatives up to second order are computed. After evaluating f, i.e.
z := f(x, y)
the function value at (x,y) = (2, 4) can be retrieved with z.GetFloat64(). The first and second partial derivatives can be accessed with z.GetDerivative(i) and z.GetHessian(i, j), where the arguments specify the index of the variable. For instance, the derivative of f with respect to x is returned by z.GetDerivative(0), whereas the derivative with respect to y by z.GetDerivative(1).
Vectors and matrices can be created with
v := NewDenseFloat64Vector([]float64{1,2})
m := NewDenseFloat64Matrix([]float64{1,2,3,4}, 2, 2)
v_ := NewDenseReal64Vector([]float64{1,2})
m_ := NewDenseReal64Matrix([]float64{1,2,3,4}, 2, 2)
where v has length 2 and m is a 2x2 matrix. With
v := NullDenseFloat64Vector(2)
m := NullDenseFloat64Matrix(2, 2)
all values are initially set to zero. Vector and matrix elements can be accessed with the At, MagicAt or ConstAt methods, which return a reference to the scalar implementing either a Scalar, MagicScalar or ConstScalar, i.e.
m.At(1,1).Add(v.ConstAt(0), v.ConstAt(1))
adds the first two values in v and stores the result in the lower right element of the matrix m. Autodiff supports basic linear algebra operations, for instance, the vector matrix product can be computed with
w := NullDenseFloat64Vector(2)
w.MdotV(m, v)
where the result is stored in w. Other operations, such as computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix, require importing the respective package from the algorithm library, i.e.
import ""
lambda, _, _ := eigensystem.Run(m)
Compare vanilla gradient descent with resilient backpropagation
import . ""
import ""
import ""
f := func(x_ ConstVector) MagicScalar {
x := x_.ConstAt(0)
// x^4 - 3x^3 + 2
r := NewReal64()
s := NewReal64()
r.Pow(x.ConstAt(0), ConstFloat64(4.0)
s.Mul(ConstFloat64(3.0), s.Pow(x, ConstFloat64(3.0)))
r.Add(ConstFloat64(2.0), r.Add(r, s))
return r
x0 := NewDenseFloat64Vector([]float64{8})
// vanilla gradient descent
xn1, _ := gradientDescent.Run(f, x0, 0.0001, gradientDescent.Epsilon{1e-8})
// resilient backpropagation
xn2, _ := rprop.Run(f, x0, 0.0001, 0.4, rprop.Epsilon{1e-8})
Compute the inverse r of a matrix m by minimizing the Frobenius norm ||mb - I||
import . ""
import ""
// define matrix r
m := NewDenseFloat64Matrix([]float64{1,2,3,4}, 2, 2)
// create identity matrix I
I := NullDenseFloat64Matrix(2, 2)
// magic variables for computing the Frobenius norm and its derivative
t := NewDenseReal64Matrix(2, 2)
s := NewReal64()
// objective function
f := func(x ConstVector) MagicScalar {
s.Mnorm(t.MsubM(t.MmulM(m, t), I))
return s
r, _ := rprop.Run(f, r.GetValues(), 0.01, 0.1, rprop.Epsilon{1e-12})
Find the root of a function f with initial value x0 = (1,1)
import . ""
import ""
t := NullReal64()
f := func(x ConstVector) MagicVector {
x1 := x.ConstAt(0)
x2 := x.ConstAt(1)
y := NullDenseReal64Vector(2)
y1 := y.At(0)
y2 := y.At(1)
// y1 = x1^2 + x2^2 - 6
t .Pow(x1, ConstFloat64(2.0))
y1.Add(y1, t)
t .Pow(x2, ConstFloat64(2.0))
y1.Add(y1, t)
y1.Sub(y1, ConstFloat64(6.0))
// y2 = x1^3 - x2^2
t .Pow(x1, ConstFloat64(3.0))
y2.Add(y2, t)
t .Pow(x2, ConstFloat64(2.0))
y2.Sub(y2, t)
return y
x0 := NewDenseFloat64Vector([]float64{1,1})
xn, _ := newton.RunRoot(f, x0, newton.Epsilon{1e-8})
Compare Adam, Newton's method, BFGS and Rprop for minimizing Rosenbrock's function
import "fmt"
import . ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
f := func(x ConstVector) (MagicScalar, error) {
// f(x1, x2) = (a - x1)^2 + b(x2 - x1^2)^2
// a = 1
// b = 100
// minimum: (x1,x2) = (a, a^2)
a := ConstFloat64( 1.0)
b := ConstFloat64(100.0)
c := ConstFloat64( 2.0)
s := NullReal64()
t := NullReal64()
s.Pow(s.Sub(a, x.ConstAt(0)), c)
t.Mul(b, t.Pow(t.Sub(x.ConstAt(1), t.Mul(x.ConstAt(0), x.ConstAt(0))), c))
s.Add(s, t)
return s, nil
hook_adam := func(x, gradient ConstVector, hessian ConstMatrix, y ConstScalar) bool {
fmt.Println("x :", x)
fmt.Println("gradient:", gradient)
fmt.Println("y :", y)
return false
hook_rprop := func(gradient, step []float64, x ConstVector, y ConstScalar) bool {
fmt.Println("x :", x)
fmt.Println("gradient:", gradient)
fmt.Println("y :", y)
return false
hook_bfgs := func(x, gradient ConstVector, y ConstScalar) bool {
fmt.Println("x :", x)
fmt.Println("gradient:", gradient)
fmt.Println("y :", y)
return false
hook_newton := func(x, gradient ConstVector, hessian ConstMatrix, y ConstScalar) bool {
fmt.Println("x :", x)
fmt.Println("gradient:", gradient)
fmt.Println("y :", y)
return false
x0 := NewDenseFloat64Vector([]float64{-0.5, 2})
adam.Run(f, x0,
rprop.Run(f, x0, 0.05, []float64{1.2, 0.8},
bfgs.Run(f, x0,
newton.RunMin(f, x0,
Maximize the function f(x, y) = x + y subject to x^2 + y^2 = 1 by finding the critical point of the corresponding Lagrangian
import . ""
import ""
z := NullReal64()
t := NullReal64()
// define the Lagrangian
f := func(x_ ConstVector) (MagicScalar, error) {
// z = x + y + lambda(x^2 + y^2 - 1)
x := x_.ConstAt(0)
y := x_.ConstAt(1)
lambda := x_.ConstAt(2)
t.Pow(x, ConstFloat64(2.0))
z.Add(z, t)
t.Pow(y, ConstFloat64(2.0))
z.Add(z, t)
z.Sub(z, ConstFloat64(1.0))
z.Mul(z, lambda)
z.Add(z, y)
z.Add(z, x)
return z, nil
// initial value
x0 := NewDenseFloat64Vector([]float64{3, 5, 1})
// run Newton's method
xn, _ := newton.RunCrit(
f, x0,