This repository contains a ASAM ODS EXD-API plugin that uses asammdf to read the ASAM MDF4 files.
This is only a prototype to check if it works with asammdf.
Because the repository does not contain the ASAM ODS protobuf files the generated stubs are added.
The files that match *_pb2*
are generated using the following command. To renew them you must put the
proto files from the ODS standard into proto_src
and rerun the command.
python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=proto_src --pyi_out=. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. ods.proto ods_external_data.proto
Runs the GRPC service to be accessed using http-2. -
Implements the EXD-API interface to access MDF4 files using asammdf.
Some basic tests on example files indata
folder. - example_access_exd_api_mdf4.ipynb
jupyter notebook the shows communication done by ASAM ODS server or Importer using the EXD-API plugin.
actor CLIENT as Client
participant PDTT as 🛠️Importer
participant PODS as 🗃️ASAM ODS server
participant PLUGIN as 📊EXD-API plugin
participant FILE as 🗂️File Storage
opt Import phase
FILE ->>+ PDTT: New file shows up
PDTT ->>+ PLUGIN : Get Structure
PLUGIN -> FILE: Extract content information
PLUGIN ->> PLUGIN: Create Structure
PLUGIN ->>- PDTT: Return Structure
PDTT ->> PODS: Import ODS structure
Note right of PDTT: Create hierarchy<br/>AoTest,AoMeasurement,...
PDTT ->>- PODS: Add External Data info
Note right of PDTT: Attach AoFile ... for external data<br/>AoFile,AoSubmatrix,AoLocalColumn,...
Note over CLIENT, FILE: Now we can work with the imported files
loop Runtime phase
CLIENT ->> PODS: Establish ODS session
CLIENT ->> PODS: Work with meta data imported from structure
CLIENT ->> PODS: Access external channel in preview
PODS ->> PLUGIN: GetValues
PLUGIN ->> FILE: Get Channel values
PLUGIN ->> PODS: Return values of channels
PODS ->> CLIENT: Return values needed for plot
The Docker image for this project is available at:
This image is automatically built and pushed via a GitHub Actions workflow. To pull and run the image:
docker pull
docker run -v /path/to/local/data:/data -p 50051:50051
To build the Docker image locally:
docker build -t asam-ods-exd-api-mdf4 .
To start the Docker container:
docker run -v /path/to/local/data:/data -p 50051:50051 asam-ods-exd-api-mdf4