At university I often times sat in a lab behind a computer with no feeling of order - everybody paced themselves and the ones that needed help were in disarray. Managing a classroom is hard and managing a computer classroom without knowledge who needs help or who is behind is crippling. For me, at least. This project:
- sets up an empty PGSQL instance that everybody can log into and complete a lab
- sets up automatic monitoring based on some example database and gives feedback on how well the students are progressing
The live demo will be hosted as soon as I have made enough progress on it.
Overall, this is an architecture I have in mind:
graph TD;
%% Services to set up
ldap[LDAP server]
prometheus[Prometheus instance]
server[Python Flask server]
sampledb[External Sample Database]
%% The docker instance that runs services
docker[Docker instance]
%% Participants
lab-master[Lab Master]
lab-student[Lab Student]
%% Infrastructure setup
lab-master-- executes docker compose -->docker
%% Infrastructure configuration
lab-master-- enters information about the database and lab participants -->server
server-- query sample database contents -optional- --> sampledb
server-- makes a query file and forwards it -->exporter
server-- configures LDAP accounts -->ldap
server-- configures panel variables and setup -->grafana
server-- creates databases and grants access for the users -->pgsql
lab-student-- sees initial database passwords on screen -->server
%% Lab interaction
lab-student-- changes LDAP password -->ldap
lab-student-- logs in to psql instance-->pgsql
pgsql-- authenticates against LDAP provider-->ldap
lab-student-- starts lab-->pgsql
lab-master-- looks at dashboard to see how people are progressing -->grafana
grafana-- authenticates against LDAP provider -optional- -->ldap
lab-student-- looks at dashboard to see if anybody needs help -->grafana
%% Infrastructure interaction
grafana-- poll Prometheus for data to put on screen -->prometheus
prometheus-- poll SQL Exporter -->exporter
exporter-- poll Postgres instance -->pgsql
The lab master is the one that sets up the infrastructure and quides people through the lab. His overall activities are infrastructure setup and configuration. His responsibilities end when the participant can access the database and then he can relax and watch the monitoring to see how everybody progresses. The procedure looks like this:
graph LR;
%% Services to set up
server[Python Flask server]
%% The docker instance that runs services
docker[Docker instance]
%% Participants
lab-master[Lab Master]
%% Infrastructure setup
lab-master-- 1. executes docker compose -->docker
%% Infrastructure configuration
lab-master-- 2. enters information about the database and lab participants -->server
lab-master-- 4. looks at dashboard to see how people are progressing -->grafana
lab-master-- 3. sees initial database passwords on screen and forwards them to students-->server
The lab student must simply log in to the database and begin work. The student can see his progress on the monitoring screen as well as his peers' progress. Depending on the LDAP solution students can get an initial password and change it or use their university authentication source.
graph LR;
%% Services to set up
ldap[LDAP server]
server[Python Flask server]
%% Participants
lab-student[Lab Student]
%% Infrastructure setup
%% Infrastructure configuration
lab-student-- sees initial database passwords on screen -->server
%% Lab interaction
lab-student-- changes LDAP password -->ldap
lab-student-- logs in to psql instance-->pgsql
pgsql-- authenticates against LDAP provider-->ldap
lab-student-- starts lab-->pgsql
lab-student-- looks at dashboard to see if anybody needs help -->grafana
I have been asking myself for a long time right now if I indeed need an HTTP server for easier provisioning. I decided yes because I know some Python and taking on a new technology seemed over my head. Maybe there is an infrastructure as code approach a la Ansible, Chef, Puppet, K3S or some stuff like that, but a one-in-all solution is a pickle to find and furthermore - trust. Remember - that solution would have to create configuration files from parsed sql dumps - I am sure that Ansible could do it somehow someway with templating and for loops, but truth be told - I think Python and pandas manipulate YAML better than scripts.
graph LR;
%% Services to set up
ldap[LDAP server]
server[Python Flask server]
sampledb[External Sample Database]
%% Infrastructure configuration
server-- query sample database contents -optional- -->sampledb
server-- makes a query file and forwards it -->exporter
server-- configures LDAP accounts -->ldap
server-- configures panel variables and setup -->grafana
server-- creates databases and grants access for the users -->pgsql
This view gathers all Grafana etc. related interfacings.
graph TD;
%% Services to set up
ldap[LDAP server]
prometheus[Prometheus instance]
%% Lab interaction
pgsql-- authenticates against LDAP provider-->ldap
grafana-- authenticates against LDAP provider -optional- -->ldap
%% Infrastructure interaction
grafana-- poll Prometheus for data to put on screen -->prometheus
prometheus-- poll SQL Exporter -->exporter
exporter-- poll Postgres instance -->pgsql
- How does this export lab results to another service?
It doesn't. Having a monitoring service gives you all the power to export data the way you like it. Most grading / curriculum management software allows imports from CSV files, manual input, API-s etc. Considering that you can pick up data from monitoring data or the database itself, one can simply export a prometheus query or database state and do some scripting from there.
- Where can I set this up?
Purely up to you. There is a live demo with installation guides coming soon.