- Install stow
- Run
- Run
- Add crontab entries. See (stow-scripts/.local/bin/cron-backup.sh)
- TMUX 3.1 will support XDG spec. Move tmux config file to correct location
- Fix Stow for
$sudo ln -s ~/dotfiles/bin/sane-rm /usr/local/bin/rm
- https://linrunner.de/tlp
- ncmpcpp config
- mopidy config without spotify credentials
- Start mopidy as systemd service. Run as root? global config.. and not user specific
git clone https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts
, ./install.sh hasklig
- Nerd Fonts (Hasklug)
- Fira Code
- Setup userChrome
- Find profile name
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/firefox/userChrome.css ~/.mozilla/firefox/852x0ns6.default-release/chrome/userChrome.css
- Ensure that all new tabs are opened in same window - In
browser.link.open_newwindow = 3
browser.link.open_newwindow.restriction = 0
- Load pinned tabs on demand
Install Appimaged
- then change to Hasklig Medium