cat your_corpus | python -m saved_models/your_model_directory [-t]
$ echo "Próbáld meg még egyszer." | python -m saved_models/LSTMx4x64.Momentum.tanh.morp
Próbáld próbál[/V]d[Sbjv.Def.2Sg]
meg meg[/Prev]
még még[/Adv]
egyszer egy[/Num]szer[_Mlt-Iter/Adv]
. .
Note that the delimiter is a tab (\t
) character in each line.
python -dcfg default_configs/your_config.yaml [-m path/to/save]
python -m saved_models/your_model_directory
python -m saved_models/your_model_directory
python -m saved_models/your_model_directory
$ python -h
usage: [-h] -m MODEL_DIRECTORY [-t]
Disamorph: A Hungarian morphological disambiguator using sequence-to-sequence
neural networks.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Path to the model directory.
-t, --use-train-model
Whether to use the train insted of the validation
$ python -h
usage: [-h] [-dcfg DEFAULT_CONFIG] [-m MODEL_DIRECTORY] [-t]
Disamorph: A Hungarian morphological disambiguator using sequence-to-sequence
neural networks.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-dcfg DEFAULT_CONFIG, --default-config DEFAULT_CONFIG
If provided, a new model will be trained with this
config. Has priority over --model-directory.
If provided, the training of an existing model will be
continued. If --default-config is also present, the
new model will be saved to this path.
-t, --use-train-model
On model continuation, for defining whether to
continue the train insted of the validation model.
$ python -h
usage: [-h] -m MODEL_DIRECTORY [-t]
Disamorph: A Hungarian morphological disambiguator using sequence-to-sequence
neural networks.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Path to the model directory.
-t, --use-train-model
Whether to use the train instead of the validation
$ python -h
usage: [-h] -m MODEL_DIRECTORY [-t]
Disamorph: A Hungarian morphological disambiguator using sequence-to-sequence
neural networks.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Path to the model directory.
-t, --use-train-model
Whether to use the train instead of the validation
- Please install all the following tools:
- Helsinki Finite-State Technology:
- emMorph (Humor) Hungarian morphological analyser:
- Make sure that
is set correctly in yourmodel_configuration.yaml
in your model's directory. - Install the Python requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Optionally, if you wish to use the Python API of this project, install it as a package:
python install
Word embedding visualization with t-SNE. Perplexity: 5, learning rate: 10.
floyd run --gpu --env tensorflow-1.3 --data peter.nagy1332/datasets/data/2:data 'ln -s /data /code/data && python -dcfg default_configs/floydhub_morpheme_momentum_lstm.yaml -m /output'
In these table I present the key-value pairs of the configuration YAML files with working example values.
Key | Example value | Explanation |
save_train_matrices | true | Cache preprocessed corpus matrices to the filesystem. Default: true |
train_dataset | data/szeged-judit/* | Szeged Corpus. Please request these files on demand. |
train_matrices | data/train_matrices | Where to save train matrices. |
random_seed | 448 | To make random number generation deterministic and experiments reproducible. |
example_resolution | character | Is it a character or morpheme -level model? |
train_ratio | 0.8 | First 80% of sentences are used for training. |
validation_ratio | 0.1 | First 10% of sentences after the first 80% is for validation. The remaining is the test dataset. |
batch_size | 256 | For all models. |
Key | Example value | Explanation |
transducer_path | /userhome/student/peterng/programs/emMorph/hfst/hu.hfstol | See requirements. |
decoder_type | greedy | Or beam_decoder . |
beam_width | 5 | Only needed when decoder_type is beam_decoder . |
Key | Example value | Explanation |
embedding_size | 8 | Word embedding vector lengths. |
hidden_layer_cell_type | LSTM | Or GRU . Used for both encoder and decoder networks in all models. |
hidden_layer_cells | 64 | How many cells are in a layer? |
hidden_layer_count | 2 | Should be an even number because of the bidirectional encoder. |
max_gradient_norm | 5 | Maximum gradient clipping. |
max_source_sequence_length | 109 | The maximum real sequence length in all train matrices. See the data preprocessor class to find this out. |
max_target_sequence_length | 61 | Same as max_source_sequence_length . |
window_length | 5 | Sliding window size that moves one-word right from the beginning of each sentence. |
dropout_keep_probability | 0.8 | Note that this is not in inverse-notation! |
activation | null | Anything on tf.nn . E.g. tanh , sigmoid , relu , leaky_relu . |
Key | Example value | Explanation |
visualization | false | If true, train visualisation is turned on, as seen in the first GIF. I used this only for test purposes with data_batch_size=1 |
epochs | 100000 | # of training epochs. |
loss_optimizer | MomentumOptimizer | Anything on tf.train . E.g. AdamOptimizer , RMSPropOptimizer , ... |
loss_optimizer_kwargs | {momentum: 0.5} | Additional kwargs for the optimizer if needed. Default: {} |
schedule | - {learning_rate: 1.0, until_global_step: 16000} |
Decaying learning rate. See stats/ . |
shuffle_sentences | true | Only train dataset. |
shuffle_examples_in_batches | false | Does not really make sense, since the order of examples matters. |
add_summary_modulo | 100 | Log at every 100th training step. |
validation_add_summary_modulo | 100 | Log every 100th validation step. |
validation_modulo | 1 | Validate after every epoch. |
Could be useful for train replicating purposes for different languages.
cat ./* | cut -f1 | sort | uniq | hfst-lookup --cascade=composition ../../emMorph/hfst/hu.hfstol -s | grep . | cut -f1,2 > ../analyses.txt
cat * | cut -f9 | sort | grep '^$' | wc -l
cat * | grep -e '^.' | cut -f1 | sort | uniq | hfst-lookup --pipe-mode=input --cascade=composition --xfst=print-pairs --xfst=print-space -s ../../../../programs/emMorph/hfst/hu.hfstol | grep -e '.' | sort | uniq | wc -l
cat * | grep -e '^.' | cut -f1 | hfst-lookup --pipe-mode=input --cascade=composition --xfst=print-pairs --xfst=print-space -s ../../../../programs/emMorph/hfst/hu.hfstol | grep -e '.' | wc -l
author = {Nagy, P{\'e}ter G{\'e}za},
title = {Hungarian morphological disambiguation using sequence-to-sequence neural networks},
institution = {Budapest University of Technology and Economics},
year = {2017}