TelegramBots4Java is a Java implementation of the Telegram Bot API
This API is designed to be extensible, while preserving simplicity and conciseness. It provides core classes to interact with the Telegram Bot API, and it encapsulates these classes in one simple, extensible class. However, nothing holds you back to use the core classes directly.
Compile from source
$ git clone
$ cd telegram-bots-java-api/
$ ./gradlew :api:jar
You'll find the .jar file in the api/build/libs directory.
The import statements are left out for simplicity.
public class EchoBot extends TelegramBot {
public EchoBot() {
// This handler gets called whenever a user sends /start or /help
@CommandHandler({"start", "help"})
public void handleHelp(Message message) {
replyTo(message, "Hi there! I am here to echo all your kind words back to you!");
// This handler gets called whenever a user sends a general text message.
@MessageHandler(contentTypes = Message.Type.TEXT)
public void handleTextMessage(Message message) {
System.out.println(String.format("%s: %s", message.getChat().getId(), message.getText()));
replyTo(message, message.getText());
// This is the default handler, called when the other two handlers don't apply.
public void handleDefault(Message message) {
replyTo(message, "Say what?");
public static void main(String[] args) {
TelegramBot bot = new EchoBot();
This project has Javadocs. provides a good entry point into this API. You can have a look at the Javadoc reference for this class, or look at the source code directly.