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░▓ about ▓ custom linux config files
░▓ author ▓ pfsalminen <paulsalminen@gmail.com>
░▓ code ▓ http://github.com/pfsalminen/dotfiles
2bwm > fast floating wm
bin > system automation scripts
compton > minimal composite config for opacity
figlet > custom 3d font
fonts > configs for gohu and other bitmap fonts
fun > term color, sys info, and other misc scripts
git > global git config and aliases
interrobang > a lightweight application launcher
irssi > neon gold irc theme
mpd > music player daemon setup
mutt > minimal mutt setup
ncmpcpp > ncurses mpc++ ui/color settings
pacman > pacman colors and progress bar animations
previews > unixporn screenshots
pygments > add syntax highlighting to cat and less commands
ranger > file manager with image previews and z3bra theme
ryu-login > ryu ansi art for /etc/issue tty login
ssh > remote ssh server keep alive
stalonetray > stand alone tray for daemons
themes > mod of the cathexis dark theme for gtk/qt/xfce
tmux > terminal multiplexer with custom status bar
urxvt > sourcerer terminal colors and keyboard settings
vim > wizard status bar and sourcerer color scheme
wallpaper > the cool desktop background images i use
zsh > zshell settings, aliases, and custom prompts
- vundle - to manage other plugins
- vim completes me - super lightweight completion system
- colorizer - display color codes as their colors inline
- syntastic - syntax linting
- git gutter - git diff in the gutter
- match it - extended word and regex matching
- lightline - custom status line (for much rice)
- fugitive - fast git integration