This repository implements local mixing approach to program obfuscation described in Towards general-purpose program obfuscation via local mixing. To learn more about local mixing approach refer to this hackmd doc.
We only implement obfuscator function,
We use multi-stage block cipher based on reversible circuits proposed in Quantum statistical mechanics of encryption: reaching the speed limit of classical block ciphers to sample a random reversible circuit that is also an SPRP.
Visit to find more details on the bounrty program to test security of local mixing approach to obfuscation.
The obfuscated.json circuit file can be found at here.
The obfuscated circuit in obfuscated.json
was generated with the following command:
cargo run --release -- 1 logs.log out.bin original.bin 1
with n=64 and total_steps=235,000.
The obfuscated circuit has 237,224 gates.
To obfsucate a random reversible circuit that is an SPRP run the following command
cargo run --release -- 1 [log_path] [job_path] [orignal_circuit_path] [1 OR 2]
- log_path: is location to store the log file.
- job_path: is location to store the obfuscation job. Obfuscation job stores the obfuscation progress and the obfuscated circuit.
- original_circuit_path: is location to store the sampled reversible SPRP circuit. It is the circuit being obfuscated.
- 1 OR 2: 1 OR 2 are different obfuscation strategies. We recommend 1 by default.
To verify that the obfuscated circuit of an obfuscation job is functionally equivalent to the original circuit, run the following command
cargo run --release -- 2 [job_path] [iterations]
- job_path: is location where obfuscated job is stored
- iterations: is no. of iterations. Each iteration samples a random input and checks that output of original circuit is equivalent to output of obfuscated circuit.
Note: Two circuits with n
bit inputs for big enough n
can only be tested probabilitiscally equal. This is because brute forcing through all 2^{n} inputs takes time. However there's no reason why it cannot be done.
It's more convenient to look a pretty JSON format than a binary file. A JSON file can also be sent over the network without scaring the receiver. Which is why we provide a way to convert circuit binary to JSON file.
cargo run --release -- 3 [circuit_bin_path] [circuit_json_path]
- circuit_bin_path: is location of circuit's binary.
- circuit_json_path: location to store circuit's JSON file.
Once obfucation job is finished, you can isolate the obfuscated circuit into a JSON file with
cargo run --release -- 4 [job_path] [circuit_json_path]
- job_path: is location of obfuscation job's binary
- circuit_json_path: location to store obfuscated circuit's JSON.
To verify that two circuits are functionally equal, run
cargo run --release -- 5 [circuit0_json_path] [circuit1_json_path] [iterations]
- circuit0_json_path: is path to JSON file of circuit 0
- circuit1_json_path: is path to JSON file of circuit 1
- iterations: no. of iterations
To evaluate circuit on input of choice run the following,
cargo run --release -- 6 [circuit_json_path] [binary_input]
- circuit_json_path: is path to JSON file of circuit to evaluate
- binary_input: Binary string of the input. String must have
bits wheren
are no. of wires in the circuit. For example binary_input = "0,1,0,1" for n = 4.