I'm Nikhil, currently working as Software Development Engineer - I at Amazon, building Amazon Go's Just Walk Out Technology. Previously, I worked at Innovaccer as SDE-Intern (Big-Data) for the Data Activation Platform and SDE-Intern (Backend) for the InAPI Platform. I am working every day to build, extend, optimize and refactor backend architecture and its core services.
I am skilled in:-
- Programming Languages - Data Structures & Algorithms, Java, C++, Python, Javascript(ES-6).
- Python TechStack - Django, Flask & FastAPI.
- Javascript TechStack - Node, Express & React.
- Java TechStack - Spring, Spring Boot & Hibernate.
- Databases - PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis & DynamoDB.
- Data Warehouse - Snowflake & Redshift.
- ELK TechStack - Elasticsearch, Logstash & Kibana.
- Testing Frameworks - JUnit (Java) & Pytest(Python).
- Cloud Computing - Amazon Web Services.
- API Tools - Postman & Swagger.
- Dev Tools - Docker, Kubernetes, Bash Scripting, Git Version Control.
- Other Skills - Data Analytics, Machine Learning, HTML5/CSS3 & Bootstrap.
More About Me :
- 💻 I’m currently learning New Technologies, Designing Data-Intensive Applications and Advanced Algorithms .
- 🧗 Hobbies: Playing Badminton, Cricket, Chess-1300+ on chess.com(Let's play a Rapid match here).
- 💬 Ask me about Backend Development, System Design, and Data-Intensive Architectures here.