A modern web application that helps users manage and optimize their stock portfolios with intelligent insights and recommendations.
The Stock Portfolio Advisor is a full-stack application built with:
- Framework: Next.js 14.2
- UI Components: Shadcn UI with Radix UI primitives
- Styling: Tailwind CSS
- Language: TypeScript/React 18
- Framework: Spring Boot 3.4.2
- Database: PostgreSQL
- Language: Java 17
- Build Tool: Maven
- Modern, responsive user interface
- Real-time stock portfolio management
- Data visualization and analytics
- Secure user authentication
- RESTful API integration
- Node.js (LTS version)
- Java 17 or higher
- Docker and Docker Compose
- PostgreSQL
Navigate to the frontend directory:
cd stock-portfolio-advisor-frontend
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run the development server:
npm run dev
Navigate to the backend directory:
cd stock-portfolio-advisor-backend
Build the project:
./mvnw clean install
Run the application:
./mvnw spring-boot:run
The project includes Docker support for easy deployment. Use Docker Compose to run both frontend and backend services:
docker-compose up
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.