DigiCreche is an educational app which also serves as a Milestone Project for the Software Developer Diploma programme of Code Institute.
This is an MVP of a child-care management app. It is a RESTful API SPA built using Django REST Framework and VueJS.
- Demo
- UX
- Features
- Database
- API endpoints
- Technologies used
- Testing
- Deployment
- Credits
- Acknowledgements
- Sell subscription service to childcares.
- Reach as many childcares as possible, from the smallest town-creche to largest business areas chreches, by focusing on quantity over price.
- Reach to parents, so it can be self-promoting, by word of mouth.
- Build an app that can help both carers and parents/guardians, keep track of children activities and progress by offering a simple and user-friendly interface.
- Need assurance that their children receives the best care.
- Need to have access to their children activities and progress at any time.
- Need a better and simpler communication between both parties (carers and guardians).
- Need to share logs, activities, photos, progress in a siomple, fast, yet well organised manner.
- Need to save time by digitizing logging.
- easily navigate throughout the website on any device/platform.
- quickly understand the design flow.
- see my child's progress.
- be able to contact the staff.
- be able to update profile details and child details.
- be able to log every child activities by using personal device (phone, tablet, computer).
- upload pictures.
- be able to register my childcare(s).
- be able to see billing info an pay for subscription.
- be able to add classes(rooms), add children and assign them to rooms, assign children to parent accounts, assign staff to rooms, and revert any of these changes.
- be able to contact parents.
The app is designed to be consistent, intuitive and learnable.
- Interaction design
- For predictability, the interface interacts with user actions as the user expects. The scroll/swipe actions respond with the normal behaviour and buttons acts instantly on press.
- For consistency, the interface offers a subtle visual feedback to the user (on hover, focus and press of buttons and fields) which is similar throughout the application and helps the user to quickly learn the functionality.
- Information architecture
- The content is organised and prioritised by importance from top to bottom and left to right.
- For consistency, the information is presented in the rule of 3 on large screens and individual on small screens.
- The information is structured mostly in nested lists.
- Authentication mobile / medium-large
- Parent/Guardian landing mobile / medium-large
- Manager landing mobile / medium-large
- Rooms mobile / medium-large
- Activities mobile / medium-large
- Chat mobile / medium-large
- Profile mobile / medium-large
- Interaction design
- The colour palette consists of two accent colours, orange and green, in different shades (dark, light) and a range of neutral colours, from off-withe to dark grey.
- According to The Psychology of Color, the chosen colours represent cheerfulness and comfort.
- The 60-30-10 Rule was also taken into consideration when building the project. The light shades which are used mostly for background are considered neutral and makes up to 60% of the palette. The dark shades are complementary and makes up to 30%, while the accent colours completes the remaining 10% of the design.
- Few other colours we're used to improve UX. E.g.: red was used for errors and delete buttons.
There are two fonts used throughout the project:
- Open Sans is used for all the content. This font was preffered for its excellent legibility, especially on mobile devices. Different weights were used to improve UX.
- Arima Madurai is used brand text only.
- There are no media assets used in building this project. The images used for demo content are stock images from Unsplash.com
- Icons are used throughout the project to help the user understand more efficiently the meaning of the content. They are a very good asset to improve UX.
- Single page app (SPA).
- Mobile-first: sticky/hiding header with always visible menu buttons.
- Landing on login/register.
- Timeline-styled day activities.
- Profile page.
- Contact page.
- Subscription based freemium access for manager users.
- Pricing page.
- Live chat built using websockets.
- Assign pupil to room widget (in two simple clicks).
- Assign teacher to room widget (in two simple clicks).
- Room icons.
- Pupil personal details - custom dynamic fields.
- Photo lightbox for activities timeline.
- Custom activity types
- Auth
- Subscription
- Schools
- Rooms
- Pupils
- Activities
- Chat
- Helpers
- Workspace
- Ubuntu20.04 as Operating System
- Visual Studio Code as Integrated Development Environment
- Languages
- Frameworks & Libraries
- Django is used as back-end framework.
- Vue.js is used as a front-end framework.
- Bootstrap5 is used for its great responsiveness, styling classes, icons and its javascript functionality.
- Font Awesome icons were used for writing the auto-generated CV.
- Google Fonts is used as the main font resource.
- Main Python and Django packages:
- Django REST Framework is used for creating RESTful API backend.
- Channels Redis used for chat implementation.
- Daphne is used to run project on an asynchronous server to support websockets.
- Stripe and DJ-Stripe for Stripe payment platform implementation.
- AllAuth for user authentication.
- Storages & S3 boto for cloud media storage.
- WhiteNoise for serving own static files without relying on cloud storages.
- Main NPM and Vue.js packages:
- Vue Router for front-end SPA routing.
- VueX as a state management library, used in chat websocket implementation.
- Moment.js and Vue Timeago3 for time formating.
- vue-native-websocket-vue3 for websocket implementation.
- vue-toast-notification for response feedback messages.
- vue-tel-input for phone number field input masking.
- vue-easy-lightbox for photo lightbox.
- Version Control
- Git as Version Control System.
- Github for repository hosting.
- Commitizen for commit linting.
- Wireframes & Diagrams
- Draw.io for creating wireframes and DB schema.
- Media
- Photopea online photo editor tool for creating the demo mockup image.
By forking the GitHub Repository you make a copy of the original repository on your GitHub account to view and/or make changes without affecting the original repository by using the following steps:
- Log in to GitHub and locate the digicreche repository.
- At the top right of the Repository, locate and click the "Fork" Button.
- You should now have a copy of the original repository in your GitHub account.
- Log in to GitHub and locate the digicreche repository (or the forked repo into your profile).
- At the top of the Repository just above the list of files, locate and click the "Code" dropdown.
- To clone the repository using HTTPS, under "Clone", make sure "HTTPS" is selected and copy the link.
- Open Git Bash.
- Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory to be made.
- Type
git clone
, and then paste the URL you copied in Step 3.git clone https://github.com/pinco227/digicreche.git
- Press Enter. Your local clone will be created.
$ git clone https://github.com/pinco227/digicreche.git Cloning into 'digicreche'... remote: Enumerating objects: XXX, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (XXX/XXX), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (XXX/XXX), done. remote: Total XXX (delta XXX), reused XXX (delta XXX), pack-reused 0 Receiving objects: 100% (XXX/XXX), XXX MiB | XXX MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (XXX/XXX), done.
Click Here to retrieve pictures for some of the buttons and more detailed explanations of the above process.
- I recommend using a virtual environment such as venv.
- Make sure you have python and npm installed on your machine.
- Create Stripe account.
- Set the following environmental variables into your virtual environment:
export SECRET_KEY='<secret_key>' export DEVELOPMENT=True export STRIPE_TEST_PUBLIC_KEY='<stripe_test_pkey>' export STRIPE_TEST_SECRET_KEY='<stripe_test_skey>' export STRIPE_WH_SECRET='<stripe_webhook_secret>'
- Install required
packages by running the following command into terminal:pip install -r requirements.txt
- Change directory to
cd frontend
- Install required node packages by running this command in frontend directory:
npm install
- Migrate the database by runing following command in terminal at root level:
python manage.py migrate
- Create Stripe product and prices. In order for subscription system to work properly, db has to be syncronised with stripe by runing this command:
python manage.py dj_stripe_sync_plans_from_stripe
- Run app by typing the following into terminal on root folder:
And this command on a separate terminal on frontend directory:
python manage.py runserver
npm run serve
- Browse app by accessing into a browser. At this point, if configured right, the app should run properly and login screen will be displayed
- Create a superuser:
python manage.py createsuperuser
- Make sure the
file is up to date. Type the followings into terminal:pip freeze --local > requirements.txt
- Commit and push changes to forked repository.
- Create a Heroku account and click New on top right of the dashboard to Create a new app.
- Create and configure AWS IAM User (retrieve access keys) and AWS S3 bucket.
- Within the newly created heroku app go to Settings tab and press Reveal Config Vars. Add following variables:
. - Within heroku app, go to Resources tab and add the following add-ons:
Heroku Postgres and Heroku Redis. These will create the following config vars:
. - Make sure you have heroku-cli installed in your machine. Scale heroku app by typing the following into terminal:
heroku ps:scale web=1:free worker=1:free
- Go to Deploy tab and under the Deployment method click on the Github icon.
- Right under this section, type the
and search for the forked repository into your GitHub account. Select the right repository and click Connect. - Under the Automatic deploys section, click Enable Automatic Deploys. The deployment will be now automatic with every github
command. - Under the Manual deploy section, click Deploy Branch for initial deploy.
- Make sure you run
npm run build
before pushing, if any changes were made to frontend. - Create Stripe product and prices. In order for subscription system to work properly, db has to be syncronised with stripe by runing this command in heroku bash:
heroku login heroku run bash python manage.py dj_stripe_sync_plans_from_stripe
- You can now browse the deployed app by clicking Open app button on top right of the dashboard.
- Make sure the
- This article and this solution for multiple file upload using admin and API.
- Alexandr Ogurtov for his websocket consumer and store mutations that served as a model in creating DigiCreche's websocket consumer and Vue store mutations.
- Code With Stein YT VIDEO and SaaS Pegasus article as main resources, alongside with Stripe documentation, for building the subscription system.
- Code Institute for their awesome Full Stack Software Development course and their Tutor support.
- Michele Saba (Udemy) for his Complete Guide to Django REST Framework and Vue JS.
- Connor Lindsey (Scrimba) for his Vuex tutorial.
- Very Academy for this video about deploying.
- Ajmal (Steemit) for his tutorial about Creating a Simple Chat App with DjangoRestFramework
- Hannah (Dev.to) for her Getting Started With Django Channels helpful tutorial.
- My Mentor: Nishant Kumar for continuous helpful feedback.
- Custom created icons to better describe the navigation buttons.
- About and Pricing pages available outside authorization (no login required).
- School finder by town
- Notifications in website and push notifications new chat messages, new pupil activities.
- Email alerts and notifications for subscription changes, new users for the school, pupil-parent assignments, teacher-room assignments, etc.
- A list of school parents for managers and lists of room's pupil parents for teachers.
- A parent information page where a manager or a teacher can get emergency contact details, as phone number.
- A teacher information page where parents can get contact details.
- Chat sounds.
- List of invoices and advanced subscription management.
- School financial management system integrated for managers, where based on price assigned for each pupil, salary for teachers and subscription costs, financial reports can be rendered and monitored.