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Code Institute - Milestone Project 4. This is a Django/Vue RESTful SPA project used for educational purposes. It represents a child-care management SaaS app that features access for managers, teachers and parents, a timeline styled activity feed for pupils, a live chat and an interface for managing multiple schools and their rooms, teachers, pup…

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DigiCreche is an educational app which also serves as a Milestone Project for the Software Developer Diploma programme of Code Institute.

This is an MVP of a child-care management app. It is a RESTful API SPA built using Django REST Framework and VueJS.

Table of Contents




  • Business Goals

    • Sell subscription service to childcares.
    • Reach as many childcares as possible, from the smallest town-creche to largest business areas chreches, by focusing on quantity over price.
    • Reach to parents, so it can be self-promoting, by word of mouth.
    • Build an app that can help both carers and parents/guardians, keep track of children activities and progress by offering a simple and user-friendly interface.
  • User Needs

    • Need assurance that their children receives the best care.
    • Need to have access to their children activities and progress at any time.
    • Need a better and simpler communication between both parties (carers and guardians).
    • Need to share logs, activities, photos, progress in a siomple, fast, yet well organised manner.
    • Need to save time by digitizing logging.
  • User Scenarios

    • As a user I need to:

      • easily navigate throughout the website on any device/platform.
      • quickly understand the design flow.
    • As a parent I need to:

      • see my child's progress.
      • be able to contact the staff.
      • be able to update profile details and child details.
    • As a childcare staff I need to:

      • be able to log every child activities by using personal device (phone, tablet, computer).
      • upload pictures.
    • As a childcare manager I need to:

      • be able to register my childcare(s).
      • be able to see billing info an pay for subscription.
      • be able to add classes(rooms), add children and assign them to rooms, assign children to parent accounts, assign staff to rooms, and revert any of these changes.
      • be able to contact parents.
  • Structure

    The app is designed to be consistent, intuitive and learnable.

    • Interaction design
      • For predictability, the interface interacts with user actions as the user expects. The scroll/swipe actions respond with the normal behaviour and buttons acts instantly on press.
      • For consistency, the interface offers a subtle visual feedback to the user (on hover, focus and press of buttons and fields) which is similar throughout the application and helps the user to quickly learn the functionality.
    • Information architecture
      • The content is organised and prioritised by importance from top to bottom and left to right.
      • For consistency, the information is presented in the rule of 3 on large screens and individual on small screens.
      • The information is structured mostly in nested lists.
    • Skeleton

  • Design Choices

    • Colours

      • The colour palette consists of two accent colours, orange and green, in different shades (dark, light) and a range of neutral colours, from off-withe to dark grey.
      • According to The Psychology of Color, the chosen colours represent cheerfulness and comfort. Colour Psychology Wheel
      • The 60-30-10 Rule was also taken into consideration when building the project. The light shades which are used mostly for background are considered neutral and makes up to 60% of the palette. The dark shades are complementary and makes up to 30%, while the accent colours completes the remaining 10% of the design.
      • Few other colours we're used to improve UX. E.g.: red was used for errors and delete buttons.
    • Typography

      There are two fonts used throughout the project:
      • Open Sans is used for all the content. This font was preffered for its excellent legibility, especially on mobile devices. Different weights were used to improve UX.
      • Arima Madurai is used brand text only.
    • Media

      There are no media assets used in building this project. The images used for demo content are stock images from
    • Iconography

      Icons are used throughout the project to help the user understand more efficiently the meaning of the content. They are a very good asset to improve UX.


  • Planned features

    • Single page app (SPA).
    • Mobile-first: sticky/hiding header with always visible menu buttons.
    • Landing on login/register.
    • Timeline-styled day activities.
    • Profile page.
    • Contact page.
  • Extra features

    • Subscription based freemium access for manager users.
    • Pricing page.
    • Live chat built using websockets.
    • Assign pupil to room widget (in two simple clicks).
    • Assign teacher to room widget (in two simple clicks).
    • Room icons.
    • Pupil personal details - custom dynamic fields.
    • Photo lightbox for activities timeline.
    • Custom activity types


  • Entity Relationship Diagram

    ER Diagram

API endpoints

  • Auth
    • POST /api/rest-auth/login/
    • GET /api/rest-auth/logout/
    • POST /api/rest-auth/password/reset/
    • POST /api/rest-auth/password/reset/confirm/
    • POST /api/rest-auth/password/change/
    • POST /api/rest-auth/registration/
    • GET|PUT|PATCH /api/rest-auth/user/
  • Subscription
    • GET /api/prices/
    • POST /api/create-subscription/
    • POST /api/cancel-subscription/
    • POST /api/update-subscription/
    • POST /api/reactivate-subscription/
    • POST /api/retrieve-stripe-subscription/
    • POST /api/retrieve-payment-method/
    • GET /api/retrieve-subscription/<int:pk>/
  • Schools
    • GET|POST /api/schools/
    • GET|PUT|PATCH|DELETE /api/schools/<slug:slug>/
    • GET /api/my-schools/
    • GET /api/schools/<slug:slug>/teachers/
    • GET /api/schools/<slug:slug>/teachers/unassigned/
    • GET /api/schools/<slug:slug>/parents/
    • Rooms
      • GET|POST /api/schools/<slug:slug>/rooms/
      • GET|PUT|PATCH|DELETE /api/schools/<slug:slug>/rooms/<int:pk>/
      • DELETE /api/schools/<slug:slug>/rooms/<int:pk>/remove-teacher/<int:id>/
      • POST /api/schools/<slug:slug>/rooms/<int:pk>/assign-teacher/
    • Pupils
      • GET|POST /api/schools/<slug:slug>/pupils/
      • GET /api/schools/<slug:slug>/rooms/<int:pk>/pupils/
      • GET /api/schools/<slug:slug>/unassigned/
      • GET|PUT|PATCH|DELETE /api/schools/<slug:slug>/pupils/<int:pk>/
      • GET|PUT|PATCH /api/schools/<slug:slug>/pupils/<int:pk>/photo/
      • GET|PUT|PATCH /api/schools/<slug:slug>/pupils/<int:pk>/details/
      • GET|PUT|PATCH /api/schools/<slug:slug>/pupils/<int:pk>/room/
      • GET /api/children/
    • Activities
      • GET|POST /api/activity_types/
      • GET|PUT|PATCH|DELETE /api/activity_types/<int:pk>/
      • GET|POST /api/schools/<slug:slug>/pupils/<int:pk>/activities/
      • GET|PUT|PATCH /api/schools/<slug:slug>/activity/<int:pk>/
  • Chat
    • GET /api/chats/
    • GET|POST /api/chats/<int:pk>/
    • GET /api/contacts/
  • Helpers
    • GET /api/countries/

Technologies used



  • Forking the GitHub Repository

    By forking the GitHub Repository you make a copy of the original repository on your GitHub account to view and/or make changes without affecting the original repository by using the following steps:
    1. Log in to GitHub and locate the digicreche repository.
    2. At the top right of the Repository, locate and click the "Fork" Button.
    3. You should now have a copy of the original repository in your GitHub account.
  • Local Machine

    1. Log in to GitHub and locate the digicreche repository (or the forked repo into your profile).
    2. At the top of the Repository just above the list of files, locate and click the "Code" dropdown.
    3. To clone the repository using HTTPS, under "Clone", make sure "HTTPS" is selected and copy the link.
    4. Open Git Bash.
    5. Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory to be made.
    6. Type git clone, and then paste the URL you copied in Step 3.
      git clone
    7. Press Enter. Your local clone will be created.
      $ git clone
      Cloning into 'digicreche'...
      remote: Enumerating objects: XXX, done.
      remote: Counting objects: 100% (XXX/XXX), done.
      remote: Compressing objects: 100% (XXX/XXX), done.
      remote: Total XXX (delta XXX), reused XXX (delta XXX), pack-reused 0
      Receiving objects: 100% (XXX/XXX), XXX MiB | XXX MiB/s, done.
      Resolving deltas: 100% (XXX/XXX), done.

      Click Here to retrieve pictures for some of the buttons and more detailed explanations of the above process.

    8. I recommend using a virtual environment such as venv.
    9. Make sure you have python and npm installed on your machine.
    10. Create Stripe account.
    11. Set the following environmental variables into your virtual environment:
      export SECRET_KEY='<secret_key>'
      export DEVELOPMENT=True
      export STRIPE_TEST_PUBLIC_KEY='<stripe_test_pkey>'
      export STRIPE_TEST_SECRET_KEY='<stripe_test_skey>'
      export STRIPE_WH_SECRET='<stripe_webhook_secret>'
    12. Install required python packages by running the following command into terminal:
      pip install -r requirements.txt
    13. Change directory to frontend
      cd frontend
    14. Install required node packages by running this command in frontend directory:
      npm install
    15. Migrate the database by runing following command in terminal at root level:
      python migrate
    16. Create Stripe product and prices. In order for subscription system to work properly, db has to be syncronised with stripe by runing this command:
      python dj_stripe_sync_plans_from_stripe
    17. Run app by typing the following into terminal on root folder:
      python runserver
      And this command on a separate terminal on frontend directory:
      npm run serve
    18. Browse app by accessing into a browser. At this point, if configured right, the app should run properly and login screen will be displayed
    19. Create a superuser:
      python createsuperuser
  • Heroku

    1. Make sure the requirements.txt file is up to date. Type the followings into terminal:
      pip freeze --local > requirements.txt
    2. Commit and push changes to forked repository.
    3. Create a Heroku account and click New on top right of the dashboard to Create a new app.
    4. Create and configure AWS IAM User (retrieve access keys) and AWS S3 bucket.
    5. Within the newly created heroku app go to Settings tab and press Reveal Config Vars. Add following variables: HOSTNAME, SECRET_KEY, STRIPE_TEST_PUBLIC_KEY, STRIPE_TEST_SECRET_KEY, STRIPE_WH_SECRET, USE_AWS, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_S3_REGION_NAME, AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME.
    6. Within heroku app, go to Resources tab and add the following add-ons: Heroku Postgres and Heroku Redis. These will create the following config vars: DATABASE_URL, REDIS_TLS_URL, REDIS_URL.
    7. Make sure you have heroku-cli installed in your machine. Scale heroku app by typing the following into terminal:
      heroku ps:scale web=1:free worker=1:free
    8. Go to Deploy tab and under the Deployment method click on the Github icon.
    9. Right under this section, type the digicreche and search for the forked repository into your GitHub account. Select the right repository and click Connect.
    10. Under the Automatic deploys section, click Enable Automatic Deploys. The deployment will be now automatic with every github push command.
    11. Under the Manual deploy section, click Deploy Branch for initial deploy.
    12. Make sure you run npm run build before pushing, if any changes were made to frontend.
    13. Create Stripe product and prices. In order for subscription system to work properly, db has to be syncronised with stripe by runing this command in heroku bash:
      heroku login
      heroku run bash
      python dj_stripe_sync_plans_from_stripe
    14. You can now browse the deployed app by clicking Open app button on top right of the dashboard.




  • Custom created icons to better describe the navigation buttons.
  • About and Pricing pages available outside authorization (no login required).
  • School finder by town
  • Notifications in website and push notifications new chat messages, new pupil activities.
  • Email alerts and notifications for subscription changes, new users for the school, pupil-parent assignments, teacher-room assignments, etc.
  • A list of school parents for managers and lists of room's pupil parents for teachers.
  • A parent information page where a manager or a teacher can get emergency contact details, as phone number.
  • A teacher information page where parents can get contact details.
  • Chat sounds.
  • List of invoices and advanced subscription management.
  • School financial management system integrated for managers, where based on price assigned for each pupil, salary for teachers and subscription costs, financial reports can be rendered and monitored.


Code Institute - Milestone Project 4. This is a Django/Vue RESTful SPA project used for educational purposes. It represents a child-care management SaaS app that features access for managers, teachers and parents, a timeline styled activity feed for pupils, a live chat and an interface for managing multiple schools and their rooms, teachers, pup…



