$ git clone https://pix@github.com/pix/dotfiles.git
$ make
$ make install
- BufferList : mapped to C-v C-v like tmux window list shortcut (C-b C-b)
- TagList : Mapped to F3 for tag list and Alt-F3 to update tags
- Align : V to select lines :Align token
- Surround : ysiw) to surround using )
- nerdcommenter : Comment: ,cs - Toggle: ,c
- detectindent : Indentation levels are autodetected
- yankring : :YRShow to show yank history
- syntastic : Automatic syntax checking
- A : :A to alternate files quickly (.c --> .h etc)
- Doxygentoolkit : :Dox to generate doxygen comments
- trailing-whitespace : :FixWhitespace
- vis : C-v to highlight a block, then :B s/^pattern/newtext/g to replace inside the block
- keepcase : %sSubstituteCase/\cleptonica/cvblob/g
- Alt-F1 -> Alt-F12 : Selects corresponding windows
- C-b C-b : Shows window selection dialog
- git wtf : Show state of your repository
- git rank-contributors : rank contributors by the total size of the diffs they're responsible for
- git ls : ls files according to .gitignore
- : Edit the current command line in vi
- : Push a command onto a stack