Are you an aspiring FRACTRAN-programmer and looking for a way to run your stuff natively? With fractranC you can easily convert your strange looking series of rational numbers to soothing and harmonious C code.
C runs on pretty much everything and some compilers have neat optimization tools, so your FRACTRAN-programs can run with the performance they deserve!
You just found this project. What are the odds? See it as a sign, and start converting immediatly!
Simply open the project files and compile it. fractran.exe should appear in the "bin"-folder, waiting to be executed.
Not supported, yet.
Take a look inside the "fractran"-folder and you should find some FRACTRAN-programs to try out. (prime won't run in this early stage, though) You can compile FRACTRAN-programs by opening your shell an typing:
fractranC < fractran/add > add.c
After you compiled you program, you can run it like this:
echo %errorlevel%
This last line should print out, what your FRACTRAN-program returns.
Not supported, yet.