This installer setups laravel 5.5, MySQL 5.7 and php7.1 onto a fresh Cloud9 ( workspace. Just run the script, do some input, and bam your ready to start programming. Also gets npm and nodejs ready so you can webmix.
One minor but important change is this installs laravel as normal, not root user.
Running the laravel install as root is not recommended (the install attempt will say so) and will break the project creation functionality.
- Installs PHP 7.1
- Removed Default C9 Files
- Puts laravel in root workspace folder
- Changes DocumentRoot to /public
- Upgrades MySQL 5.7
Create a new workspace in Cloud9
Open created Workspace then go to terminal
Get the
wget ""
Run The Install
Run the MySQL Upgrade, make sure you select 5.7, default will be 5.6
sudo dpkg -i mysql-apt-config_0.8.7-1_all.deb
Run The MySQL Install SH
wget ""
If you get any input for passwords, enter blank, and you may need to hit "y" for downloads.
Edit your .env DB info.
MAke sure you migrate and run your npm mix
php artisan migrate
npm run dev
And thats it, your ready to go!
This Script's PHP Install was forked from @svpernova09's