Histogramer has tested using python 3.6.8
virtual environment in:
- Windows 10 OS
- macOS Catalina
This tool analyze text files in a directory (which was specified by user) and it's sub folders. Statistics by words count is gathering for each text file was found. Then a histogram will be building by this statistics.
- Download the latest
version from a releases page - Install histogramer:
pip3 install --upgrade path_to_wheel.whl
- Download the latest
- Remove dist files from project root:
- Windows:
RMDIR /Q/S build dist histogramer.egg-info
- Mac:
rm -r build dist histogramer.egg-info
- Windows:
- Install wheel:
pip3 install wheel
- Build dist:
python setup.py bdist_wheel
- Install histogramer:
pip3 install --upgrade path_to_wheel.whl
- Remove dist files from project root:
Please, report about any issues to an
issues page
with ~/.logs
folder's files attached.
For run all tests, please, use pytest ./histogramer/tests
from project root.
Pytest options are placed in ~/histogramer/tests/pytest.ini
Run a python -m histogramer --help
For main usage ~/requirements_main.txt
should be installed.
For testing: ~/requirements_tests.txt