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GitHub Automatic Releases

GitHub latest release

This action simplifies the GitHub release process by automatically uploading assets, generating changelogs, handling pre-releases, and so on.

Fork of marvinpinto/action-automatic-releases. The differences in this fork are:

  • Different changelog formatting (see example release)
  • In addition to the changelog, release notes have a section with the sha256 hashes of the artifacts if there are any (again, see example release)
  • Use annotated tags instead of lightweight tags, with the ability to pass the tag annotation in new optional parameter tag_annotation
  • Different behaviour with the parameter automatic_release_tag. In the original action if this parameter is provided, the changelog is generated between the given tag and the previous release with the same tag, resulting in an empty changelog if this is the first release with the given tag. I have changed it to generate the changelog between the given tag and previous tag, rather than the same tag: for example, between v1.0.0 and v1.0.1, rather than v1.0.1 and the previous v1.0.1 release. To get the old behaviour, use is_tag_static: true.


  1. Usage Examples
  2. Supported Parameters
  3. Changelog Considerations
  4. Stable Versions
  5. License

Usage Examples

Workflow Dispatch

name: Autorelease on workflow dispatch

        type: string
        required: true
        type: string
        required: false

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: 1. Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: 2. Create some mock artifacts
        run: |
          mkdir dist
          echo "mock artifact 1" > ./dist/mockartifact1
          echo "mock artifact 2" > ./dist/mockartifact2
          echo "mock artifact 3" > ./dist/mockartifact3

      - name: 3. Release
        uses: plu5/automatic-releases-with-sha-action@main
          repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          automatic_release_tag: ${{ inputs.tag }}
          tag_annotation: ${{ inputs.annotation }}
          prerelease: false
          files: ./dist/*

This is a workflow that will run when manually called from the repository’s Actions page, and will generate a release with a given tag (and optionally, tag annotation) and some artifacts.

On Push to a Version File

+ auto tag + auto annotation based on the commit message

name: Autorelease on version bump

    paths: ['VERSION.txt'] # VERSION_FILE


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: 1. Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: 2. Get version from file + annotation from commit message body
        run: |
          # Get version from file
          VERSION=$(cat $VERSION_FILE); VERSION=${VERSION%%[[:cntrl:]]}
          echo "VERSION=$VERSION" >> $GITHUB_ENV
          # Get commit message body
          echo "${{ github.event.head_commit.message }}" > commit_msg
          ANNOTATION=$(tail -n +3 commit_msg)

      - name: 3. Release
        uses: plu5/automatic-releases-with-sha-action@main
          repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          automatic_release_tag: v${{ env.VERSION }}
          tag_annotation: ${{ env.ANNOTATION }}
          prerelease: false

The idea here is to write in the commit message body of the commit in which you bump the version some description of the release, which will be used as the tag annotation. If none is provided, it will also work fine (empty tag annotation is allowed).

On Tag Push

name: "Autorelease on tag push"

      - "v*"

    runs-on: "ubuntu-latest"
      # ...
      - name: "Build & test"
        run: |
          echo "done!"

      - uses: "plu5/automatic-releases-with-sha-action@main"
          repo_token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
          prerelease: false
          files: |

If used on tag push, there is no need to manually pass the tag in automatic_releases_tag; it will be parsed from the git ref.

There are downsides to releasing on tag push:

  • GitHub Actions cache does not get shared between different tags, so if you use caching in your workflow it will not be used
  • It may cause some issues with certain GitHub actions that expect the git ref to not be a tag. For instance, actions/checkout will checkout the repository in a detached HEAD state, unless you pass it a different ref

Supported Parameters

Parameter Description Default
repo_token (required) GitHub Actions token; "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" null
draft Mark this release as a draft? false
prerelease Mark this release as a pre-release? true
automatic_release_tag Tag name to use for automatic releases null
is_tag_static Generate changelog from the same tag instead of previous, in case you use the same tag name every time (e.g. 'latest') false
tag_annotation Optional tag annotation. ""
title Release title; defaults to the tag name if none specified. Tag Name
files Files to upload as part of the release assets. Supports multi-line glob patterns. null


The following output values can be accessed via ${{ steps.<step-id>.outputs.<output-name> }}:

Name Description Type
automatic_releases_tag The release tag this action just processed string
upload_url The URL for uploading additional assets to the release string

Changelog Considerations


Unless is_tag_static is provided, the changelog is generated between this and the previous semver-looking tag. That means if your tags are not semver-looking and is_tag_static is false or not set, it will not be able to find the previous tag to generate a changelog from.

Allowing any tag might be unwanted, as some projects may be using some non-version tags but still expect the changelog to be between version tags only. So if the ability to generate a changelog between this and any previous tag is to be added, it should be optional (controlled by a parameter you can pass). Also may add a parameter to pass in the previous tag you want to generate a changelog from.

Conventional Commits

The changelog generation splits commits into different subheadings based on their 'type' as defined in the Conventional Commits specification.

Types and subheadings they get put under:

  • feat → Features
  • fix → Bug Fixes
  • docs → Documentation
  • style → Styles
  • refactor → Code Refactoring
  • perf → Performance Improvements
  • test → Tests
  • build → Builds
  • ci → Continuous Integration
  • chore → Chores
  • revert → Reverts


  • Commits with no type → Miscellaneous
  • Commits that are labelled as a breaking change → Breaking Changes

Stable Versions

If you don't wish to live on the bleeding edge you may use a stable release instead. See releases for the available versions.

- uses: "plu5/automatic-releases-with-sha-action@<VERSION>"


The source code for this project is released under the MIT License. This project is not associated with GitHub.


GitHub Action to automate the release process








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