A basic template for creating Vala applications.
git clone git@github.com:pokedpeter/vala-app-template.git
Remove the hidden .git directory
Update the folder name (vala-app-template)
Update the following first two lines in CMakeList.txt
set (PROJECT_NAME vala-app-template)
set (PROJECT_DESC "Description of your app.")
Update AUTHORS with your name
Update the GNU license header in src/App.vala with your details and paste this header in all your source files.
Copyright (C) <Year> <Your Name>
Establish a new repository from the existing files:
git init
Execute the file go to build your application.
From the main directory, enter the following commands in order:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
If there are no errors, the executable will be created in the build directory.
Run the executable:
If you make any changes to your CMakeLists.txt, like add a new file, delete the build directory and build again using the above steps.