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[23-06-14 21:38:16]

This is my personal Emacs config. I migrated from DOOM because updating it was a hassle owing to my extensive config.

I’ve been using Doom Emacs for four years, and I wanted my config to be a lighter version of the same. Hence, I’ve tried to stick as close to the keybinds I’m used to. Other parts of this config also offer Doom-like functionality.

I don’t aim for this config to be minimal, but rather to be easy to understand.

Recommended Emacs Version
Current Emacs commit
Recommended OS
I use Debian Stable. This config might work on MacOS and WSL. I don’t use either, so no guarantees.

Configured with:

configure --with-native-compilation=aot 'CFLAGS=-flto -O3
-mtune=native -march=native -fomit-frame-pointer' --enable-autodepend
--enable-link-time-optimization --with-dbus --with-gif --with-gnutls
--with-gpm=no --with-imagemagick --with-jpeg --with-json
--with-libotf --with-mailutils --with-modules
--without-compress-install --without-gconf --without-gsettings
--without-xaw3d --with-png --with-sound --with-sqlite3 --with-tiff
--with-toolkit-scroll-bars --with-webp --with-xft --with-xim
--with-xpm --with-tree-sitter --with-x-toolkit

General Outline


Sets some defaults, calls early-init-ui.el
Defines some faces for modeline.el and disables the menu bar and other stuff.
Only loads files. Loads elpaca-init.el first, and other package-agnostic configuration files are called after.
Load elpaca and set some custom vars with cache / user directory locations
Defines emacs-wide user options and enables some global minor-modes.
Dumping ground for functions and Transients.
Defines keybinds, uses general-def.
Hooks that are too general to warrant a separate file.
Sets the theme, fonts and modifies a few faces.
A simplified version of archive/modeline-simple.el, which is a refactored version of archive/modeline.el that doesn’t slow the editor down and only computes changes when it doesn’t affect editing speed (faciliated by while-no-input). Uses a whitelist of modes, so unsupported modes show the default mode-line. Uses :box in propertize so it might shift your window just a little. You’ll get used to it. It also computes colors from the active theme, doesn’t use the default mode-line face provided by a theme.
For treesit configuration.
Loads files that aren’t tracked in this project.
Ignored folder for any elisp you’d want to include.
For archived files
One-off, “foreign” elisp files.
Config files for packages, config file for package abc is abc.el.
Config files for inbuilt packages, with use-package set to :elpaca nil.


Should be named ”headerline.el”. Defines and propertize s functions that show information about the buffer, and display s them. Disables the mode-line and instead uses the header-line. Light-weight and inherits colors from the active theme. Replaced by modeline-simple.el.

Package Management

Elpaca is used to manage packages. It’s very easy to set up, and works well with native-compilation. The user does not need to intervene.

Inspired by Doom, this config uses separate module-like configuration files for every package. This is aided by a small custom function (elpacaLF) that creates a config file for a package when it is installed for the first time, and loads the file. The config is just a use-package block with :elpaca (if necessary).

Internal packages can also be configured. They use :elpaca nil .

If you don’t like the package, you can remove the corresponding elpacaLF invocation and the package will be completely ignored on the next startup / eval. Packages can also be installed by eval ing a new elpacaLF invocation.

All packages will be :pin ned shortly, to make this reproducible.

Vim Emulation

evil is used for Vim Emulation. As a Vim refugee, I’ve tried many times to get used to Emacs’ keybinds, but I keep going back to the simplicity of modal editing.


general.el is used for keybinds.

Additional modifiers used
Hyper. Use xmodmap to convert a key to Hyper.


The Headerline is mostly just a propertized default modeline. It uses face-remapping-alist to change the face for headerline-buffer-status depending on (buffer-modified-p). The name of the current buffer is relative to the project root (if found). The name of the current buffer is cached (borrowed from doom-modeline’s “light” variant). The active buffer also has two indicators on either extreme end.

Making it your own

  • Clone to ~/.emacs.d. Alternatively, use Chemacs to enable multiple configs.
  • [OPTIONAL] Uncomment the lockfile section in elpaca-init.el for a perfect clone.
  • Modify the active fonts in the function set-fonts-c in ui.el
  • Search for =~/= and =sys2= and remove / modify all local filesystem calls. Modify org-id-locations-file in packages/inbuilt/org.el.
  • Seach for sys2 in the functions.el and modify any functions you’d want to use.

As of [23-06-14 22:28:53] , this config is still a work in progress but ~90% to STABLE status. It lacks language-specific configuration and some ease-of-use modifications. Those will be added in time, but if you’re a former Doom Emacs user, you can use this config as a starting point.+

Update [23-09-06 18:07:21] : This project is about ~95% stable. There are no overt bugs or surprises, almost everything works well and with speed. Language support has been added, along with many small improvements. The emacs version has also been bumped, but no changes have been necessary.

Update [24-04-18 21:21:51] : This project is stable, but if you want to use it, you’ll have to weed out all the references to my local filesystem.

Debugging after updates

If you ever upgrade a package and come across weird errors, delete its folder in the .cache/build directory and other relevant elc / eln files in .cache and restart Emacs.


With the new headerline: .assets/screenshot5.jpg









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