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Hi there
, I am Prerit Kumar Jha🌐
Competitive Programmer | Full-stack Developer | Node/React Developer | Android Developer | ML/DL Enthusiast
As someone who is always passionate for learning more about tech and life. I am a unstopped learner.
Hi, I'm Prerit Kumar Jha, Competitive Programmer and a Full Stack Developer 🚀 from India. Currently. Beside's programming, I enjoy exploring and traveling.
💬 Knowledge of: Git
, GitHub
, VsCode
, CSS3
, Responsive web design
, FontAwesome
, Javascript
(ES6), DOM
, jQuery
, Bootstrap
, Redux
, NodeJS
, Jest
,Object-Oriented Programming
, data structures and algorithms
💬 Deployment platforms such as github pages
, Herkou
and Firebase
💬 Languages and Tools Icons: