Ikra-Cpp is a C++/CUDA DSL for object-oriented programming with Structure of Arrays (SOA) data layout. Ikra-Cpp provides an AOS-style OOP notation that is similar to standard C++ but layouts data as SOA. This gives programmers the performance benefit of SOA and the expressivness of AOS-style object-oriented programming at the same time.
// N-Body Simulation
// Code adapted from: http://physics.princeton.edu/~fpretori/Nbody/code.htm
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "soa/soa.h"
using namespace std;
using ikra::executor::execute;
using ikra::soa::SoaLayout;
static const int kNumBodies = 25;
static const double kMaxMass = 1000;
static const double kTimeInterval = 0.5;
static const double kGravityConstant = 6.673e-11; // gravitational constant
static const int kIterations = 1000;
#define RAND (1.0 * rand() / RAND_MAX)
class Body : public SoaLayout<Body, kNumBodies> {
Body(double mass, double pos_x, double pos_y, double vel_x, double vel_y)
: mass_(mass) {
position_[0] = pos_x;
position_[1] = pos_y;
velocity_[0] = vel_x;
velocity_[1] = vel_y;
double_ mass_;
array_(double, 2) position_;
array_(double, 2) velocity_;
array_(double, 2) force_;
void add_force(Body* body) {
if (this == body) return;
double EPS = 0.01; // Softening parameter (just to avoid infinities).
double dx = body->position_[0] - position_[0];
double dy = body->position_[1] - position_[1];
double dist = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
double F = kGravityConstant*mass_*body->mass_ / (dist*dist + EPS*EPS);
force_[0] += F*dx / dist;
force_[1] += F*dy / dist;
void add_force_to_all() {
execute(&Body::add_force, this);
void reset_force() {
force_[0] = 0;
force_[1] = 0;
void update(double dt) {
velocity_[0] += force_[0]*dt / mass_;
velocity_[1] += force_[1]*dt / mass_;
position_[0] += velocity_[0]*dt;
position_[1] += velocity_[1]*dt;
// Reflect bodies.
if (position_[0] < -1 || position_[0] > 1) velocity_[0] = -velocity_[0];
if (position_[1] < -1 || position_[1] > 1) velocity_[1] = -velocity_[1];
int main() {
// Initialize object storage.
// Create objects.
for (int i = 0; i < kNumBodies; ++i) {
double mass = (RAND/2 + 0.5) * kMaxMass;
double pos_x = RAND*2 - 1;
double pos_y = RAND*2 - 1;
double vel_x = (RAND - 0.5) / 1000;
double vel_y = (RAND - 0.5) / 1000;
new Body(mass, pos_x, pos_y, vel_x, vel_y);
// Run simulation.
for (int i = 0; i < kIterations; ++i) {
// Reset forces.
// Update forces.
// Update velocities and positions.
execute(&Body::update, kTimeInterval);
return 0;
- gcc version 5.4.0 or higher
- For visual examples (n-body simulation): SDL 2.0
- For GPU support: CUDA Toolkit 9.0 or higher
- C++11 compiler support in CPU mode, C++14 compiler support in GPU mode
git clone --recursive git@github.com:prg-titech/ikra-cpp.git
cmake CMakeLists.txt
# Check if everything is working.