This directory contains a quick implementation of KWIC that follows the second modularization in the Parnas' paper. Although it follows the high-level interfaces, the low-level implementations are very quick---using inefficient Ruby string operations, and so forth.
ruby kwic.rb FILENAME
$ ruby kwic.rb titles.txt
917 |Accountable Off-Policy Evaluation vi
655 Dynamic with Methods Tensor Inexact|Accuracies
231 tion Matrix CUR Deterministic Fast|Accuracy Assurance
343 and fairness the Bounding|accuracy of classifiers from populat
999 Machine Evaluating|Accuracy on ImageNet
1042 t-group hurts Overparameterization|accuracy with spurious correlations
369 s: Anonymous from Counting Private|Accuracy with Vanishing Communicatio
888 Agents: Strategic From Learning|Accuracy, Improvement, and Causality
471 rness Between Trade-Off a There Is|Accuracy? A Perspective Using Mismat
1034 f the Mitigating and Understanding|Accuracy
100 Towards MoNet3D:|Accurate Monocular 3D Object Localiz
22 Towards|Accurate Post-training Network Quant
: the implementation in RubyREADME.txt
: this filetitles.txt
: an example input file that contains the titles of the papers in ICML2020, excerpted from
Publication index in the KWIC style can be found in Google Books, for example this one.