A Python script for downloading performance and keyword data from the BingAds API version 12 to local files. The code is largely based on Bing Ads Python SDK.
The mara Bing ads performance pipeline can be, then, used for loading and transforming the downloaded data into a dimensional schema.
BingAds Performance Downloader gives measures such as impressions, clicks and cost. The script creates three csv files per day in a specified time range, for example:
Each line of keyword_performance
contains one ad for one day:
TimePeriod | 2/12/2016
AccountId | 17837800573
AccountName | Online Veiling Gent
CampaignId | 254776453
CampaignName | Veiling Gent
AdGroupId | 3508678047
AdGroupName | BE_NL_GEN_Auction_City_{e}
AdId | 9011292478
Keyword | Veiling
KeywordId | 2271053633
Device type | Tablet
BiddedMatchType | Phrase
Clicks | 0
Impressions | 5
Ctr | 0.00
AverageCpc | 0.00
Spend | 0.00
QualityScore | 8
Conversions | 0
Revenue | 0
Network | Bing and Yahoo! search
While ad_performance
has these columns:
AccountName | Name
AccountNumber | X001342
AccountId | 67688
TimePeriod | 2018-02-03
CampaignName | 12. Campaign name
CampaignId | 1234567
AdGroupName | Name of the group group
AdId | 8123456789
AdGroupId | 123456789011
AdTitle | title of the ad, optional
AdDescription | Description of the ad
AdType | Expanded text ad
Impressions | 2
Clicks | 3
Ctr | 45.78%
Spend | 4.34
AveragePosition | 1.00
Conversions | 12
ConversionRate | 23.8%
CostPerConversion | 2.34
DeviceType | Computer
AccountStatus | Active
CampaignStatus | Active
AdGroupStatus | Active
AdLabels | {label1=value1};{label2=value2}
And Campaign performance
AccountName | Name of the account
AccountId | 123456
TimePeriod | 2018-01-10
CampaignName | 1. Banner 03
CampaignId | 1234567
Spend | 1.23
CampaignLabel | {channel=display}
Additionally one account structure file is generated for example:
which contains Account Structure
AdId | 101123456
AdTitle | your_ad_name
AdGroupId | 123456789011
AdGroupName | your_ad_group_name
CampaignId | 1234567
CampaignName | your_campaign_name
AccountId | 12345678
AccountName | your_company_us
Attributes | {channel=display}
The Bing AdWords Performance Downloader requires:
Python (>= 3.6)
bingads (automatically installed by setup.py)
click (automatically installed by setup.py)
The easiest way to install bing-adwords-downloader is using pip
pip install git+https://github.com/mara/bingads-performance-downloader.git
If you want to install it in a virtual environment:
$ git clone git@github.com:mara/bingads-performance-downloader.git bingads_downloader
$ cd bingads_downloader
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ venv/bin/pip install .
Getting access to the Bing Ads Account:
Ask your SEM manager to invite you to the Bing Ads Account of the company. The role should be Super Admin. Once you receive the confirmation e-mail (may take up to 2 hours), you should click on the link and create a Microsoft account.
Getting developer token: Go to this page https://developers.bingads.microsoft.com/Account, you will find your developer-token. You have to be logged in with your Microsoft account.
Getting oauth client id and oauth client secret : Go to this page https://apps.dev.microsoft.com. You have to be logged in with your Microsoft account. Set a Native-Application and allow built-in redirect URIs.
Follow these steps:
Copy the Application Id, it will be the 'oauth-client-id' ()
Copy now the field 'Password/Public key' as 'oauth-client-secret' ()
Copy now the redirect URI as 'oauth-client-redirect-uri' ()
In order to access the BingAds API you have to obtain the OAuth2 credentials from BingAds.
$ refresh-bingsads-api-oauth2-token \
--developer_token ABCDEFEGHIJKL \
--oauth2_client_id 123456789 \
This will open a web browser to allow the OAuth2 credentials to access the API on your behalf.
Copy the url from the browser as instructed in the commandline. Paste it into the command line where you are running
and press enter.
The script should complete and display an offline refresh token on the command line. Keep this refresh token for the download step.
To run the BingAds Performance Downloader call download-bingsads-performance-data
with its config:
$ download-bingsads-performance-data \
--developer_token ABCDEFEGHIJKL \
--oauth2_client_id 123456789 \
--oauth2_client_secret aBcDeFg \
--oauth2_refresh_token MCQL58pByMOdq*sU7 \
--data_dir /tmp/bingads
For all options, see the help
$ download-bingsads-performance-data --help
Usage: download-bingsads-performance-data [OPTIONS]
Downloads data. When options are not specified, then the defaults from
config.py are used.
--developer_token TEXT The developer token that is used to access
the BingAds API. Default: "012345679ABCDEF"
--oauth2_client_id TEXT The Oauth client id obtained from the
BingAds developer center. Default:
--oauth2_client_secret TEXT The Oauth client secret obtained from the
BingAds developer center. Default:
--oauth2_refresh_token TEXT The Oauth refresh token returned from the
script. Default: "ABCDefgh!1234567890ABCDefg
--data_dir TEXT The directory where result data is written
to. Default: "/tmp/bingads/"
--output_file_version TEXT A suffix that is added to output files,
denoting a version of the data format.
Default: "v2"
--first_date TEXT The first day from which on data will be
downloaded. Default: "2015-01-01"
--environment TEXT The deployment environment. Default:
--timeout TEXT The maximum amount of time (in milliseconds)
that you want to wait for the report
download. Default: "3600000"
--total_attempts_for_single_day TEXT
The attempts to download a single day (ad
and keyword performance) in case of HTTP
errors or timeouts. Default: "5"
--retry_timeout_interval TEXT number of seconds to wait before trying
again to download a single day. Default:
--help Show this message and exit.