This repository contains intentionally organized and curated content for Protocol Labs' Launchpad program. We welcome contributions, but please read the Contributing section below.
The default branch for this repository is main for the curriculum published on:
!Important! The content published on the now deprecated Gitbook at is configured & published from the gitbook branch.
We highly encourage collaboration & contributions from others who are creating content! Adding tutorials to the Tutorials page of the platform, and Dev Tools pages are super helpful!
See the Style Guide for information on how to format the markdown and add content like images and videos
See the directions for creating tutorials and dev tools pages
We would love to make a PR To help get you started! ping the core contributors to this repository, or open an Issue.
Use Hugo to statically serve & preview files on your machine
- Create a fork
of this repo or simply use
git clone
- Open the
folder where you cloned it - Install version 0.101.1 + of Hugo with
brew install hugo
- Run
npm install
from the top level of the launchpad repository - Run
hugo server
to start hugo & preview this onlocalhost:1313
Note that you may have the run
npm install
on new/ others' branches you checkout and server before runninghugo server
Content is located in content/en/
and the directories in there will be one of
the links along the top of the page.
Edit the landing pages in section-name/index.html
Edit Sidebar content in config/_default/menus/menus.en.toml
When editing content, please ask for a PR review from a content maintainer:
- Curriculum website structure, formatting, and maintenance: @chase
- Launchpad Getting Started: @momack2
- Web3 Basics: @hammertoe
- PL Network: @rschanger
- IPFS: @2color
- IPLD: @2color
- libp2p: @2color
- Filecoin: @hammertoe
- DevTools: @hammertoe
- Review and merge new PRs to their section of the curriculum
- Keep curriculum content "up to date" - including linking to new content when its source of truth moves to new locations (ex, if curriculum content is moved to a new source of truth, link to the new source of truth within the curriculum (and remove the duplicated content)
- Review their curriculum section at least 1x/quarter to check for needed updates / deprecation / etc
The Launchpad homepage is now a single html file, which is also hosted by Hugo
and tracked in this repository at: layouts/index.html
CSS for the homepage is mostly managed through tailwindcss, which gets installed automatically with npm. Tailwindcss runs as a standalone application, monitoring the source code, and generating only the css that will be needed. The command to run the tailwindcss daemon from the root directory is:
npx tailwindcss -i ./static/css/tailwind-input.css -o ./static/css/tailwind-output.css --minify --watch