AdScanerTrg - relay control from external BLE sensors for temperature, humidity, lighting, motion, reed switch. A repeater of BLE advertising packages.
Used SoC TLSR8266 or TLSR825x (module: JDY-10, E104-BT05, TB-03F, TB-04, ...)
- Switching on at a given temperature and / or humidity with hysteresis.
- Switch the lamp at a given level of illumination and / or motion detection.
- Repeater of the state of the reed switch LYWSD03MMC fw:pvvx.
In connection mode, it has the ability to work as a repeater - scanner BLE advertising from other devices.
TelinkOTA -
Install the Advertising type: "custom" on the custom firmware (, Reed Switch (GPIO PA6 - label on the "P8" pin for LYWSD03MMC).
Run AdScanerTrg2.html and configure the MAC, bindkey of the sensors devices
- Implementation on E104-BT05-TB and ESP01Relay: