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Provides a way to onboard a new Akamai Property Manager and Akamai Security configuration using any flexible user-defined setup. You can include any desired settings (subject to authorization and entitlements) such as:

  • Any property manager configuration json rule template
  • Standard TLS or Enhanced TLS Network
  • Use new or existing SSL Certificates and Edge Hostnames
  • Include in existing WAF configurations (Add Selected Hosts and/or Match Targets)
  • Flexible activation to staging or production network

Prerequisites - Setup API Credentials

In order to use this module, you need to:

  • Set up your credentials in your .edgerc file
  • The default section used in your configuration file should be called onboard. If you wish to override, you may also use the --section <section_name> to use the specific section credentials from your .edgerc file
  • Your API credential should include at least the following grants:
    • Property Manager (/papi)
    • Edge Hostnames API (/hapi)
    • Certificate Provisioning System (/cps)
    • Application Security (/appsec)
client_secret = [CLIENT_SECRET]
host = [HOST]
access_token = [ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE]
client_token = [CLIENT_TOKEN_HERE]

Akamai Onboard CLI Install

%  akamai install onboard
%  akamai install property-manager (if not already installed)

Onboard Types

This CLI has 4 command types for onboarding new properties:



akamai onboard create --file /templates/sample_setup_files/create.json
akamai onboard create --file ~/path/to/create.json

Setup JSON File Documentation

Sample templates/sample_setup_files/create.json for an initial empty setup file.

Click me
"property_info": {
    "property_name": "",
    "secure_network": "STANDARD_TLS",
    "contract_id": "ctr_",
    "group_id": "grp_",
    "product_id": "prd_",
    "version_notes": "",
    "rule_format": "latest",
    "default_cpcode": {
        "create_new_cpcode": false,
        "new_cpcode_name": ""

    "file_info": {
        "use_file": false,
        "source_template_file": "",
        "source_values_file": ""
    "folder_info": {
        "use_folder": false,
        "folder_path": "",
        "env_name": ""
"public_hostnames": [
"edge_hostname": {
    "mode": "new_standard_tls_edgehostname",
    "use_existing_edgehostname": {
        "edge_hostname": ""
    "new_standard_tls_edgehostname": {},
    "new_enhanced_tls_edgehostname": {
        "ssl_cert_info": {
            "use_existing_enrollment_id": false,
            "existing_enrollment_id": 0,
            "create_new_ssl_cert": false,
            "ssl_cert_template_file": "",
            "ssl_cert_template_values": "",
            "temp_existing_edge_hostname": ""

    "secure_by_default": {
        "create_new_edge_hostnames": false,
        "use_existing_edge_hostname": ""
"activate_property_staging": false,
"update_waf_info": {
    "add_selected_host": false,
    "waf_config_name": "",
    "update_match_target": false,
    "waf_match_target_id": 0
"activate_waf_policy_staging": false,
"activate_property_production": false,
"activate_waf_policy_production": false,
"notification_emails": [

Field Descriptions

Show me
  • property_name: Name of the property manager configuration to be created
  • secure_network: Use either ENHANCED_TLS or STANDARD_TLS
  • contract_id: Contract ID (starts with ctr_)
  • group_id: Group ID (starts with grp_)
  • product_id: Product ID (usually starts with prd* and should be one of available products from specified contract_id)
  • rule_format: Rule format (typically latest, but can you frozen rule format if desired)


  • create_new_cpcode: Specify true if you want a brand new cp code created as part of the new property manager configuration
  • new_cpcode_name: If create_new_cpcode is true, specify name of new cp code


  • use_file: Specify true if you want to use a single file json template
  • source_template_file: File path to single file json template. This file can have ${env.variable} references to serve place holders that will be substituted from values in source_values_file
  • source_values_file: File path to the single file variable values. This source values file can look like this:
	"origin_default": "",
	"cpcode_default": 12345


  • use_folder: Specify true if you want to use an existing Akamai pipeline folder structure. This folder should contain the projectInfo.json and environments folder
  • folder_path: File path to the Akamai pipeline folder
  • env_name: Environment name to build. This name should be defined in projectInfo.json and have correct setting and variable values in environments folder


  • Array of property hostnames in this new configuration


  • For a new property manager configuration, we can use an existing edge hostname, create a new standard_tls edge hostname, or create a new enhanced_tls edge hostname
  • mode: Should be one of: use_existing_edgehostname, new_standard_tls_edgehostname, new_enhanced_tls_edgehostname, secure_by_default


  • edge_hostname: Specify the existing edge hostname to use.
    • If using ENHANCED_TLS, this should end with
    • If using STANDARD_TLS, this should end with

new_enhanced_tls_edgehostname -- use existing enrollment

  • use_existing_enrollment_id: Set to true if you want to create a new edge hostname from an existing certificate enrollment. If true, you must also put in value for the existing_enrollment_id.
  • existing_enrollment_id: Enrollment ID of the existing certificate

new_enhanced_tls_edgehostname -- create new enrollment

  • create_new_ssl_cert: Set to true if you want to brand new certificate enrollment. If true, you must also put in values for the ssl_cert_template_file, ssl_cert_template_values, and use_temp_existing_edge_hostname_id (NOT USED ANYMORE)
  • ssl_cert_template_file: File path to ssl certificate template json file. This can be for any certificate type (NOT USED ANYMORE)
  • ssl_cert_template_values: Values for the ssl certificate template to be used (NOT USED ANYMORE)
  • temp_existing_edge_hostname: Due to backend api limitations, a new edge hostname cannot be immediately made that references a newly created certificate enrollment for a brief period of time. Rather than be blocked by this process, specify a temporary edge hostname to use as a placeholder. This value is not really used and just a place holder to proceed with the property manager configuration creation. If using ENHANCED_TLS, use an existing edge hostname ends with ; otherwise if using STANDARD_TLS, use an existing edge hostname that ends with (NOT USED ANYMORE)

secure_by_default -- provision secure by default certificates

  • create_new_edge_hostnames: set to true if you want a new unique edge hostname created for each onboarded hostname. The edge hostnames created will be in the form {hostname}
  • use_existing_edge_hostname: add an existing edge hostname to use - it must be SNI. All Secure by Default certificates are SNI.


  • add_selected_host: Set to true if you want to add specified public_hostnames to WAF selected hosts
  • waf_config-name: Name of security configuration
  • update_match_target: Set to true if you want to add specified public_hostnames to specified waf_match_target_id
  • waf_match_target_id: waf match target id to add hostnames to (use numeric waf match target id)
  • NOTE: If you do not know the match target id, leave the value as 0 and execute the onboarding. The validation steps will print out the existing match target IDs for the WAF config selected.
  • NOTE: These settings can only happen if property manager configuration is activated on the Akamai Staging network

activate settings

  • activate_property_staging: Activate property manager configuration to staging network
  • activate_property_production: Activate property manager configuration to production network (must go through staging first)
  • activate_waf_policy_staging: Activate security configuration to staging network
  • activate_waf_policy_production: Activate security configuration to production network (must go through staging first)
  • notification_emails: Array of emails to be notified after activations



single-host creates a property with one public hostname at the top level of the contract unless group_id is specified in the JSON file.


akamai onboard single-host --file /templates/sample_setup_files/single.json
akamai onboard single-host --file ~/path/to/single.json
    "property_info": {
        "contract_id": "ctr_",
        "product_id": "prd_",
        "property_hostname": "",
        "property_origin": ""
    "edge_hostname": {
        "secure_by_default": true,
        "use_existing_edge_hostname": "",
        "create_from_existing_enrollment_id": 0
    "update_waf_info": {
        "create_new_security_config": true,
        "waf_config_name": ""
    "activate_production": false,
    "notification_emails": [

Field Descriptions

Show me
  • contract_id: Contract ID (starts with ctr_)
  • product_id: Product ID: one of prd_SPM, prd_Fresca,prd_API_Accel (case sensitive)
  • property_hostname: Public facing hostname. This will be used as the name of the property.
  • property_origin: Origin hostname for property_hostname
  • activate_production: Activate to Akamai production network (single-mode will always activate property on the Akamai staging)
  • notification_emails: Array of emails to be notified after activations

Optional Values:

  • group_id: Group ID (starts with grp_) If you do not have security at the contract/top level or you would like to put the property on a specify property group.
  • version_notes: Allow you to override the default value Initial Version


  • secure_by_default: set to true if you want to provision a default certificate for the hostname. This will automatically create a new edge hostname.
  • use_existing_edge_hostname: specify existing edge hostname to use (must already exist). Value will not be used if secure_by_default is set to true.
  • create_from_existing_enrollment_id: create new edge hostname from existing certificate enrollment id (must already exist)


  • create_new_security_config:
    • set to true will create default security configuration in alert mode
    • set to false will not create a security configuration
  • waf_config_name: name of new security config to be created. If blank, the default policy will be WAF Security File



multi-hosts creates a property with multiple public hostnames at the top level of the contract unless group_id is specified in the JSON file.


akamai onboard multi-hosts -f path-to/multiple.json --csv path-to/multi-hosts-input.csv
  "property_info": {
    "contract_id": "ctr_",
    "product_id": "prd_",
    "property_name": "",
    "individual_cpcode": false
  "edge_hostname": {
    "secure_by_default": false,
    "use_existing_edge_hostname": "",
    "create_from_existing_enrollment_id": 0
  "update_waf_info": {
    "create_new_security_config": true,
    "waf_config_name": ""
  "activate_production": true,
  "notification_emails": [""]

Field Descriptions

  • contract_id: Contract ID (starts with ctr_) You can get this information from Akamai Technical Project Manager
  • product_id: Supported Product ID are prd_SPM, prd_Fresca, prd_API_Accel (case sensitive)
  • property_name: Name of the property aka delivery configuration
  • individual_cpcode: Set to true if you want to create cp code for each hostname
  • The rest is the same as single-host mode

Optional Values:

  • group_id: Group ID (starts with grp_) If you do not have security at the contract/top level or you would like to put the property on a specify property group.



batch-create creates and optionally activates multi properties based on a custom json template and csv input file. It can add multiple hostnames and origin behaviors to a single property, or create multiple porperties.


akamai onboard batch-create --template ~/path/to/ruletree.json --csv ~/path/to/csv.csv --product prd_SPM --group grp_1234 --contract ctr_1-2345
akamai onboard batch-create --template ~/path/to/ruletree.json --csv ~/path/to/csv.csv --product prd_SPM --group grp_1234 --contract ctr_1-2345 --secure-by-default

CSV Input File Documentation

Sample templates/sample_setup_files/batch-activation.csv for an initial empty setup file.

Click me
  • hostname: [required] Hostname that you want to onboard
  • origin: [required] Origin hostname
  • propertyName: Name of property. If empty or column is missing, defaults to hostname.
    • If 2 rows have the same propertyName, the hostnames will be added to the same property and an origin behavior ruleset will be injected into the input template
  • forwardHostHeader: Host header used on forward request to origin. Can be either REQUEST_HOST_HEADER or ORIGIN_HOSTNAME. If empty or column is missing, defaults to REQUEST_HOST_HEADER. This setting will override whatever is in the input template default origin behavior.
  • edgeHostname: [required unless using secure_by_default] The edge hostname to map the hostname to. The edge hostname must already exist. batch-create mode does NOT create new edge hostnames unless secure-by-default mode is being used.

Input Descriptions

Show me
  • --template -t: file path to single file json template. [required]
  • --csv: csv file with headers hostname,origin,edgeHostname,forwardHostHeader,propertyName [required]
  • --network -n: use either ENHANCED_TLS or STANDARD_TLS [default:ENHANCED_TLS]
  • --contract -c: Contract ID (starts with ctr_) [required]
  • --group -g: Group ID (starts with grp_) [required]
  • --product -p: Product ID (usually starts with prd* and should be one of available products from specified contract_id) [required]
  • --rule-format -f: Rule format (typically latest, but can you frozen rule format if desired) [default:latest]
  • --use-cpcode: Override creation of new cpcodes and use single cpcode for all properties
  • --secure-by-default: Use secure by default certificates
  • --waf-config: name of security configuration to update
  • --waf-match-target: waf match target id to add hostnames to (use numeric waf match target id)
  • --activate: Activation networks. If activating waf on a network, delivery must also be activated. Options: delivery-staging, delivery-production, waf-staging, waf-production
  • --email: email(s) for activation notifications


This will create a folder called sample_setup_files locally so you will have sample setups in both JSON and CSV format depending on the command you choose the onboard.

command Required JSON Required CSV
create ✔️
single-host ✔️
multi-hosts ✔️ ✔️
batch-create ✔️ ✔️
appsec-create ✔️
appsec-update ✔️


This is a helper command to list existing security configurations on the account. The result displays security configuration name and id. If --waf-config-name is provided, the result displays associated policies and website match targets. This information is essential for appsec-update command


akamai onboard appsec-policy
akamai onboard appsec-policy --name-contains test
akamai onboard appsec-policy --waf-config-name sample_sec
akamai onboard appsec-policy --waf-config-name sample_sec --policy-name Default


You can onboard multiple hostnames to a new security configuration with an option to activate. If you choose to activate, everything will be set on alert mode on the 1st version. Currently, we only allow multiple hostnames when they are on the same group and contract.

There are two templates available. You can upload by hostname or by property name. Default option is by hostname. If the template has propertyname on the header, you need to provide argument --by propertyname

Use fetch-sample-templates command to get sample templates


# create only
akamai onboard appsec-create -c ctr_1111 -g grp_1111 --csv appsec-create-by-hostname.csv
akamai onboard appsec-create -c ctr_1111 -g grp_1111 --csv appsec-create-by-propertyname.csv --by propertyname

# create and activate on Akamai staging network
akamai onboard appsec-create -c ctr_1111 -g grp_1111 --csv appsec-create-by-hostname.csv --activate staging --email
akamai onboard appsec-create -c ctr_1111 -g grp_1111 --csv appsec-create-by-hostname.csv --activate production --email

# create and activate on Akamai staging and production network
akamai onboard appsec-create -c ctr_1111 -g grp_1111 --csv appsec-create-by-propertyname.csv --by propertyname --activate staging --email
akamai onboard appsec-create -c ctr_1111 -g grp_1111 --csv appsec-create-by-propertyname.csv --by propertyname --activate production --email

CSV Input File Documentation

Template 1 - By hostname [Default]

Click me

Sample templates/sample_setup_files/appsec-create-by-hostname.csv for an initial empty setup file.

  • 2 security configuration will be created ah_onboard_1 and ah_onboard_appsec_h1
  • For security config ah_onboard_1,
    • 3 security policies will be created policy_1, policy_1, and policy_3
      • policy_1 protects 4 hostnames
      • policy_2 protects 1 hostname
      • policy_3 protects 2 hostnames
  • For security config ah_onboard_appsec_h1,
    • Only one security policy named Default is created and protect only one hostname

Template 2 - By property name

Click me Sample **templates/sample_setup_files/appsec-create-by-propertyname.csv** for an initial empty setup file.
  • 4 security configuration will be created appsec_X, appsec_Y, appsec_Z, appsec_A
  • For security config appsec_X,
    • 2 security policies will be created policy_1 and policy_2
      • policy_1 will protect ALL Hostnames available from property named sample
      • policy_2 will protect 2 hostnames
  • For security config appsec_Y,
    • Only one security policy named policy_1 is created and protect only one hostname
  • For security config appsec_Z,
    • Only one security policy named policy_1 is created but protect 2 hostnames and
  • For security config appsec_A,
    • Only one security policy named Default is created
    • ALL Hostnames available from property named another_sample will be protected


You can onboard multiple hostnames to an existing security configuration and optionally add to policy match target and activate.

Use fetch-sample-templates command to get sample templates

# update only
akamai onboard appsec-update --config-id 9999 --csv appsec-update.csv

# update and activate
akamai onboard appsec-update --config-id 9999 --csv appsec-update.csv --activate staging --email --version-notes "add 3 hostnames"

CSV Input File Documentation

Click me

Sample templates/sample_setup_files/appsec-update.csv for an initial empty setup file.

  • 2 hostnames will be added to WAF match target id 1111111 on security configuration id 9999
  • 1 hostname will be added to WAF match target id 2222222 on security configuration id 9999


Update delivery config + cloudlet policy + waf

  --env                environment JSON file  [required]
  --csv                csv file with headers "path,propertyName"  [required]
  --build-env          environment to build  [default: dev; required]
  --property-version   property version to build from network.  options: prod,
                       staging, latest, or numeric value  [default: prod]

  --email              email(s) for activation notifications
  --use-cpcode         override creating new cpcode for each new path, provide
                       valid existing numeric value

  --dryrun             validate only  [default: False]
flowchart LR
    A[fill environment detail into JSON file] --> B[populate paths into CSV file]
    B-->C[run akamai onboard custom]


  • Sample csv and json file are in templates/sample_custom folder
akamai onboard -s default custom --env environments.json --csv batch-create.csv --build-env prod

akamai onboard -s default custom --env environments.json --csv batch-create.csv --build-env dev \
    --property-version staging --use-cpcode 111111 --dryrun

Local Contribution

  • Minimum python 3.6 git clone cli-onboard
  • cd into cli-onboard directory cd cli-onboard
  • Create python virtual environment python3 -m venv .venv
  • Activate python virtual environment source .venv/bin/activate
  • Install required packages pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Install pre-commit hook pre-commit install
  • If testing another branch i.e shared-policy run git checkout -b shared-policy
  • Verify as Akamai CLI, first uninstall existing version akamai uninstall onboard
  • Install from local repo
    • Run pwd to get current directory i.e /Users/Documents/cli-onboard
      • For MAC OS, run akamai install file:///Users/Documents/cli-onboard
        • Please note there is 3 slashes
      • For Window, run akamai install file://C:/Users/sample/cli-onboard
        • Only 2 slashes

Local Install

  • Verify as Akamai CLI, first uninstall existing version akamai uninstall onboard
  • Minimum python 3.6 git clone cli-onboard
  • cd into cli-onboard directory cd cli-onboard
  • Install from local repo
    • Run pwd to get current directory i.e /Users/Documents/cli-onboard
      • For MAC OS, run akamai install file:///Users/Documents/cli-onboard
        • Please note there is 3 slashes
      • For Window, run akamai install file://C:/Users/sample/cli-onboard
        • Only 2 slashes


By submitting a contribution (the “Contribution”) to this project, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, you (the “Assignor”) irrevocably convey, transfer, and assign the Contribution to the owner of the repository (the “Assignee”), and the Assignee hereby accepts, all of your right, title, and interest in and to the Contribution along with all associated copyrights, copyright registrations, and/or applications for registration and all issuances, extensions and renewals thereof (collectively, the “Assigned Copyrights”). You also assign all of your rights of any kind whatsoever accruing under the Assigned Copyrights provided by applicable law of any jurisdiction, by international treaties and conventions and otherwise throughout the world.


Copyright 2020 – Akamai Technologies, Inc.

All works contained in this repository, excepting those explicitly otherwise labeled, are the property of Akamai Technologies, Inc.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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  • Python 100.0%