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@github-actions github-actions released this 30 Aug 15:33
· 4907 commits to develop since this release


  • Added CurrentSigmoidOpenCircuitPotential model to model voltage hysteresis for charge/discharge (#2256)
  • Added "Chen2020_composite" parameter set for a composite graphite/silicon electrode. (#2256)
  • Added new cumulative variables Throughput capacity [A.h] and Throughput energy [W.h] to standard variables and summary variables, to assist with degradation studies. Throughput variables are only calculated if calculate discharge energy is set to true. Time [s] and Time [h] also added to summary variables. (#2249)
  • Added lipf6_OKane2022 electrolyte to OKane2022 parameter set (#2249)
  • Reformated submodel structure to allow composite electrodes. Composite positive electrode is now also possible. With current implementation, electrodes can have at most two phases. (#2248)

Bug fixes

  • Added new parameter Ratio of lithium moles to SEI moles (short name z_sei) to fix a bug where this number was incorrectly hardcoded to 1. (#2222)
  • Changed short name of parameter Inner SEI reaction proportion from alpha_SEI to inner_sei_proportion, to avoid confusion with transfer coefficients. (#2222)
  • Deleted legacy parameters with short names beta_sei and beta_plating. (#2222)
  • Corrected initial SEI thickness for OKane2022 parameter set. (#2218)


  • Simplified scaling for the exchange-current density. The dimensionless parameter C_r is kept, but no longer used anywhere (#2238)
  • Added limits for variables in some functions to avoid division by zero, sqrt(negative number), etc (#2213)

Breaking changes

  • Parameters specific to a (primary/secondary) phase in a domain are doubly nested. e.g. param.c_n_max is now param.n.prim.c_max (#2248)