Releases: qiboteam/qibo
Releases · qiboteam/qibo
Qibo 0.1.12
What's Changed
- cleanup setup with unused module by @scarrazza in #782
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #787
- Choi representation of channels + transformations between representations by @renatomello in #785
- Fix
randomly crashing by @renatomello in #797 - deploy merge queue by @Edoardo-Pedicillo in #795
- Move tests top-level by @alecandido in #798
- Fix bug in
+ remove multipleDeprecationWarning
from tests by @renatomello in #803 - Changed documentation of channels. by @vodovozovaliza in #808
- Pytest one file by @Edoardo-Pedicillo in #796
- multi-qubit Pauli noise channel by @renatomello in #807
- Noise conditions by @vodovozovaliza in #789
- update circuit docs by @Edoardo-Pedicillo in #802
- Fix trainability after
by @MatteoRobbiati in #813 - Poetry v2 by @alecandido in #816
- Fix pickle of backend objects by @stavros11 in #804
- Fix circuit copy modifying the original queue by @stavros11 in #805
- Accepting circuits as initial states by @andrea-pasquale in #817
- Depolarizing channel by @AlejandroSopena in #819
- Revert "Depolarizing channel" by @renatomello in #822
- Removed nlop and added direct method from scipy. by @AlejandroSopena in #821
- Measurement in Pauli basis by @stavros11 in #799
- Depolarizing Channel by @AlejandroSopena in #823
class + moveKrausChannel
methods toChannel
by @renatomello in #810- update qibojit dependency by @Edoardo-Pedicillo in #825
- add poetry-extras input by @Edoardo-Pedicillo in #828
New Contributors
- @alecandido made their first contribution in #798
Full Changelog: v0.1.11...v0.1.12
Qibo 0.1.11
What's Changed
- unvectorization function by @renatomello in #743
- Depolarizing channel by @AlejandroSopena in #756
- Generalization of pauli_basis() to all vectorization() orders by @renatomello in #760
- User defined insertion gate for ZNE mitigation by @BrunoLiegiBastonLiegi in #768
- Fix to adiabatic example by @scarlehoff in #759
- Depolarizing channel on gpu by @AlejandroSopena in #769
- fixed insertion gate bug + added 1 qubit tests by @BrunoLiegiBastonLiegi in #773
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #775
- fix pylint errors by @Edoardo-Pedicillo in #777
- Workflow migration by @Edoardo-Pedicillo in #770
- adding realistic_noise_model module by @LucaZilli in #672
- Fix hamiltonian models neighbour and noise model tests/lint by @scarrazza in #778
- limit publish criteria by @scarrazza in #780
New Contributors
- @scarlehoff made their first contribution in #759
- @LucaZilli made their first contribution in #672
Full Changelog: v0.1.10...v0.1.11
Qibo 0.1.10
What's Changed
- QAOA loss function by @shangtai in #650
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #696
- Customize qaoa loss by @shangtai in #636
- Added furo as extras_require in by @MatteoRobbiati in #700
- rm qibo logo from by @MatteoRobbiati in #704
- Absolute value in probabilities by @AlejandroSopena in #701
- Module with functions that generate random operators and matrices by @renatomello in #693
- From Standard to Furo doc's theme by @MatteoRobbiati in #690
- Fix documentation by @Simone-Bordoni in #706
- Draw FusedGate by @stavros11 in #708
- add iswap gate by @Simone-Bordoni in #707
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #715
- fixing typo in docs appendix by @MatteoRobbiati in #716
- Add FusedGate to circuit by @stavros11 in #699
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #723
- Images which fit furo in the docs by @MatteoRobbiati in #722
- Measurement fixes and improvements by @stavros11 in #647
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #730
- Depolarizing channel: backend agnostic by @AlejandroSopena in #725
- Error mitigation by @BrunoLiegiBastonLiegi in #702
- example quantum anomaly detection by @Simone-Bordoni in #714
- Created Custom, Unitary and Kraus errors for NoiseModel by @vodovozovaliza in #724
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #733
- Update vqregressor link in by @MatteoRobbiati in #734
- First implementation of the parameter shift rule by @MatteoRobbiati in #667
- Liouville representation of quantum channels by @renatomello in #721
- Update
when setting new parameters by @stavros11 in #739 - Add IONQ gates to Qibo by @andrea-pasquale in #740
- Rescaled parameter shift rule by @MatteoRobbiati in #735
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #744
- Add derivative to qibo docs by @MatteoRobbiati in #741
- Ubuntu font in the documentation by @MatteoRobbiati in #746
- Moved "qibo release" to the doc's side-bar by @MatteoRobbiati in #745
- Resize docs images by @MatteoRobbiati in #747
- Publishing workflow by @Edoardo-Pedicillo in #742
- Thermal relaxation channel by @AlejandroSopena in #750
- rm Ubuntu font from furo configuration by @MatteoRobbiati in #751
- including more documentation of the loss functions for QAOA. by @shangtai in #749
New Contributors
- @Simone-Bordoni made their first contribution in #706
- @BrunoLiegiBastonLiegi made their first contribution in #702
- @vodovozovaliza made their first contribution in #724
- @Edoardo-Pedicillo made their first contribution in #742
Full Changelog: v0.1.9...v0.1.10
Qibo 0.1.9
What's Changed
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #638
- Fix expectation value of symbolic Hamiltonian by @stavros11 in #640
- Fix
by @stavros11 in #642 - Add version attribute in backends by @andrea-pasquale in #643
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #644
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #648
- Depolarizing error by @AlejandroSopena in #649
- Variational Quantum Regression using the Parameter Shift Rule by @MatteoRobbiati in #654
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #656
- Added vqregressor in the tutorial's readme by @MatteoRobbiati in #658
- Initial commit of metrics module by @renatomello in #659
- Metric by @renatomello in #662
- start workflow with label by @scarrazza in #661
- . by @renatomello in #669
- Rename to by @stavros11 in #677
- Added depolarizing channel to circuit.draw() by @AlejandroSopena in #671
- Added ichep2022 proceedings to references in doc by @MatteoRobbiati in #670
- . by @renatomello in #679
- removing fix-encoding-pragmas by @scarrazza in #681
- Metrics by @renatomello in #660
- Merge pull request #660 from qiboteam/metrics by @renatomello in #683
- Metrics by @renatomello in #684
- Expectation values from samples by @AlejandroSopena in #675
- Fix doc bug from automodule to autofunction by @renatomello in #688
- Fix missing sklearn by @stavros11 in #687
New Contributors
- @AlejandroSopena made their first contribution in #649
- @MatteoRobbiati made their first contribution in #654
- @renatomello made their first contribution in #659
Full Changelog: v0.1.8...v0.1.9
Qibo 0.1.8
What's Changed
- adding acat2021 proceedings by @scarrazza in #551
- Adding channels to circuit.draw() by @andrea-pasquale in #550
- Add identity symbol by @stavros11 in #557
- Add support for sparse matrices in Hamiltonians by @stavros11 in #542
- Full state callback by @stavros11 in #559
- Fix sampling when using
by @andrea-pasquale in #564 - Raise error if QAOA Hamiltonians have different nqubits by @stavros11 in #565
- Relax probability sum check in
by @stavros11 in #566 - Add noise model by @andrea-pasquale in #572
- Multi-qubit fusion by @stavros11 in #577
- Add light cone method to circuit by @stavros11 in #578
- Fix pickle for the backend object by @stavros11 in #579
- Fix backend pickle by @stavros11 in #581
- testing distributed circuits with cupy by @scarrazza in #588
- qibotf removal by @scarrazza in #587
- Fix noise model by @andrea-pasquale in #583
- Circuit to unitary matrix by @stavros11 in #585
- Adding TSP class section in doc by @andrea-pasquale in #602
- Hamiltonians refactor by @andrea-pasquale in #595
- Tsp branch by @shangtai in #599
- Circuit result by @stavros11 in #589
- Refactor callbacks by @stavros11 in #593
- Complete channel refactoring by @stavros11 in #594
- Time evolution refactoring by @stavros11 in #603
- Add Tensorflow backend by @stavros11 in #596
- Variational models refactor by @andrea-pasquale in #606
- Distributed circuit refactoring by @stavros11 in #604
- Update docs by @stavros11 in #610
- Fix examples by @stavros11 in #611
- Fixing parallel by @scarrazza in #612
- Add environment flag for default qibo backend by @stavros11 in #613
- Fix coverage by @stavros11 in #614
- Fix
on GPU by @stavros11 in #616 - Backend agnostic circuits by @stavros11 in #584
- Add qibolab backend by @stavros11 in #617
- Delegate
to the backend by @stavros11 in #618 - Remove
by @stavros11 in #619 - Add dill tests by @stavros11 in #621
- Fix TSP test by @stavros11 in #620
- Fix docs compilation by @stavros11 in #623
- Add refactored TSP model by @stavros11 in #615
- Fix test failing on GPU by @stavros11 in #624
- Adding CuQuantum version in docs by @andrea-pasquale in #622
- removing benchmark section by @scarrazza in #627
- Add atol in TSP test by @stavros11 in #630
- Adding pre-commit by @scarrazza in #628
- adding pyupgrade by @scarrazza in #633
- add isort by @scarrazza in #632
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #634
- RXX, RYY and RZZ gates by @damarkian in #631
New Contributors
- @shangtai made their first contribution in #599
- @pre-commit-ci made their first contribution in #634
- @damarkian made their first contribution in #631
Full Changelog: v0.1.7...v0.1.8
Qibo 0.1.8-rc0
What's Changed
- adding acat2021 proceedings by @scarrazza in #551
- Adding channels to circuit.draw() by @andrea-pasquale in #550
- Add identity symbol by @stavros11 in #557
- Add support for sparse matrices in Hamiltonians by @stavros11 in #542
- Full state callback by @stavros11 in #559
- Fix sampling when using
by @andrea-pasquale in #564 - Raise error if QAOA Hamiltonians have different nqubits by @stavros11 in #565
- Relax probability sum check in
by @stavros11 in #566 - Add noise model by @andrea-pasquale in #572
- Multi-qubit fusion by @stavros11 in #577
- Add light cone method to circuit by @stavros11 in #578
- Fix pickle for the backend object by @stavros11 in #579
- Fix backend pickle by @stavros11 in #581
- testing distributed circuits with cupy by @scarrazza in #588
- qibotf removal by @scarrazza in #587
- Fix noise model by @andrea-pasquale in #583
- Circuit to unitary matrix by @stavros11 in #585
- Adding TSP class section in doc by @andrea-pasquale in #602
- Hamiltonians refactor by @andrea-pasquale in #595
- Tsp branch by @shangtai in #599
- Circuit result by @stavros11 in #589
- Refactor callbacks by @stavros11 in #593
- Complete channel refactoring by @stavros11 in #594
- Time evolution refactoring by @stavros11 in #603
- Add Tensorflow backend by @stavros11 in #596
- Variational models refactor by @andrea-pasquale in #606
- Distributed circuit refactoring by @stavros11 in #604
- Update docs by @stavros11 in #610
- Fix examples by @stavros11 in #611
- Fixing parallel by @scarrazza in #612
- Add environment flag for default qibo backend by @stavros11 in #613
- Fix coverage by @stavros11 in #614
- Fix
on GPU by @stavros11 in #616 - Backend agnostic circuits by @stavros11 in #584
- Add qibolab backend by @stavros11 in #617
- Delegate
to the backend by @stavros11 in #618 - Remove
by @stavros11 in #619 - Add dill tests by @stavros11 in #621
- Fix TSP test by @stavros11 in #620
- Fix docs compilation by @stavros11 in #623
- Add refactored TSP model by @stavros11 in #615
- Fix test failing on GPU by @stavros11 in #624
- Adding CuQuantum version in docs by @andrea-pasquale in #622
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.1.7...v0.1.8-rc0
Qibo 0.1.7
What's Changed
- removing requirements by @scarrazza in #484
- Using actions v2 by @scarrazza in #485
- adding doctest to actions by @scarrazza in #488
- Fix error message in by @mlazzarin in #490
- Fix distributed circuit without gates execution by @stavros11 in #491
- Remove LEAST_SIGNIFICANT_QUBIT flag by @mlazzarin in #494
- adding doctest by @andrea-pasquale in #487
- updating docs by @scarrazza in #493
- Reduce import qibo time by @stavros11 in #496
- Remove custom backend classes by @stavros11 in #500
- Fix dtype of CZ matrix by @mlazzarin in #503
- Remove some hard-coded
calls from tests by @mlazzarin in #501 - Allow multi-qubit unitaries for qibojit backend by @stavros11 in #499
- Limiting qibotf actions for py36 by @scarrazza in #508
- Fix AAVQE example with qibotf by @mlazzarin in #507
- updating docs for backends by @scarrazza in #511
- check minimum version for backends by @scarrazza in #510
- first AAVQE added by @nicolezattarin in #475
- disabling py36 by @scarrazza in #513
- Remove hardware backend by @stavros11 in #509
- Minor fixes in the docs by @mlazzarin in #515
- Add AAVQE example to doctests by @mlazzarin in #518
- Fix CI running twice by @mlazzarin in #520
- Fix CPU fallback by @mlazzarin in #516
- adding qgan class by @bpcarlos in #498
- State in computational basis by @stavros11 in #521
- Add T, S gates by @mlazzarin in #525
- Fix probabilities do not sum to 1 by @mlazzarin in #528
- Move CPU fallback for frequencies by @mlazzarin in #527
- Fix qibo tests to support CuQuantum Backend by @andrea-pasquale in #529
- Fix
when cuquantum is installed by @stavros11 in #531 - Installation instructions for cuQuantum backend by @andrea-pasquale in #534
- Fix engine not renamed to platform in some tests by @mlazzarin in #535
- using qibojit main code in actions by @scarrazza in #537
- Upgrade
to support platform setting by @stavros11 in #533 - Add S and T gates to
by @stavros11 in #538 - added fermionic swap, working in numpy by @AdrianPerezSalinas in #536
- Test all available platforms automatically by @stavros11 in #539
- Remove some coverage exceptions by @stavros11 in #544
- Fix message error in distributed circuit by @andrea-pasquale in #543
- add python 3.10 in actions by @scarrazza in #547
- add citing qibo page in docs by @scarrazza in #548
- Implement state deep copy by @stavros11 in #549
New Contributors
- @andrea-pasquale made their first contribution in #487
- @nicolezattarin made their first contribution in #475
Full Changelog: v0.1.6...v0.1.7
Qibo 0.1.7-rc1
What's Changed
- removing requirements by @scarrazza in #484
- Using actions v2 by @scarrazza in #485
- adding doctest to actions by @scarrazza in #488
- Fix error message in by @mlazzarin in #490
- Fix distributed circuit without gates execution by @stavros11 in #491
- Remove LEAST_SIGNIFICANT_QUBIT flag by @mlazzarin in #494
- adding doctest by @andrea-pasquale in #487
- updating docs by @scarrazza in #493
- Reduce import qibo time by @stavros11 in #496
- Remove custom backend classes by @stavros11 in #500
- Fix dtype of CZ matrix by @mlazzarin in #503
- Remove some hard-coded
calls from tests by @mlazzarin in #501 - Allow multi-qubit unitaries for qibojit backend by @stavros11 in #499
- Limiting qibotf actions for py36 by @scarrazza in #508
- Fix AAVQE example with qibotf by @mlazzarin in #507
- updating docs for backends by @scarrazza in #511
- check minimum version for backends by @scarrazza in #510
- first AAVQE added by @nicolezattarin in #475
- disabling py36 by @scarrazza in #513
- Remove hardware backend by @stavros11 in #509
New Contributors
- @andrea-pasquale made their first contribution in #487
- @nicolezattarin made their first contribution in #475
Full Changelog: v0.1.6...v0.1.7-rc1
Qibo 0.1.7-rc0
What's Changed
- removing requirements by @scarrazza in #484
- Using actions v2 by @scarrazza in #485
- adding doctest to actions by @scarrazza in #488
- Fix error message in by @mlazzarin in #490
- Fix distributed circuit without gates execution by @stavros11 in #491
- Remove LEAST_SIGNIFICANT_QUBIT flag by @mlazzarin in #494
- adding doctest by @andrea-pasquale in #487
- updating docs by @scarrazza in #493
- Reduce import qibo time by @stavros11 in #496
- Remove custom backend classes by @stavros11 in #500
- Fix dtype of CZ matrix by @mlazzarin in #503
- Remove some hard-coded
calls from tests by @mlazzarin in #501 - Allow multi-qubit unitaries for qibojit backend by @stavros11 in #499
New Contributors
- @andrea-pasquale made their first contribution in #487
Full Changelog: v0.1.6...v0.1.7-rc0
Qibo 0.1.6
What's Changed
- adding docker images for tags (#482) @scarrazza
- drawing Unitary gates (#478) @scarrazza
- updating documentation (#467) @scarrazza
- Update benchmark docs (#481) @stavros11
- Fix some examples in docstrings (#480) @mlazzarin
- Remove sympy.expand call when constructing SymbolicHamiltonian (#476) @stavros11
- Update fusion documentation (#479) @stavros11
- Fix scalar mutliplication of
(#474) @stavros11 - Updating gate fusion (#461) @stavros11
- Rename
(#473) @mlazzarin - Fix tests about
statements (#465) @mlazzarin - Minor fix in the documentation (#468) @mlazzarin
- Remove unused flag from AbstractCircuit class (#463) @mlazzarin
- normalizing probs (#460) @scarrazza
- adding profile file for backends (#457) @scarrazza
- using abstract backend attributes (#458) @scarrazza
- MultiGPU for qibojit (#453) @stavros11
- removing version lock for python 3.7 and linux (#456) @scarrazza
- fixing CI with numba and py3.7 (#454) @scarrazza
- replacing unitary with matrix (#447) @scarrazza
- gates refactor (#449) @scarrazza
- EntanglementEntropy use circuits with fixed nqubits (#448) @scarrazza
- Fix gate.matrix property (#446) @stavros11
- Remove TrotterHamiltonian (#426) @stavros11
- Set threads warnings (#443) @stavros11
- Add qibojit backend (#427) @stavros11
- Make qibojit default backend and update warnings (#436) @stavros11
- adding qibojit to CI (#437) @scarrazza
- disabling parallel evaluation on darwin (#438) @scarrazza
- documentation update (#435) @scarrazza
- Set number of threads for qibojit (#434) @stavros11
- Fixes for cupy backend (#432) @stavros11
- Set threshold for using Metropolis custom op (#428) @stavros11
- Hamiltonian expectation using terms (#424) @stavros11
- Tensorflow not installed warning (#425) @stavros11
- icarusq (#422) @scarrazza
- Small Grover change (#421) @igres26
- Fix
test for GPU (#417) @stavros11 - updating qibotf docs (#416) @scarrazza
- fixing CI (#420) @scarrazza
- Load custom operators from external library (#398) @stavros11
- adding version checks for backends (#412) @scarrazza
- documentation upgrade (#411) @scarrazza
- Docs improvements (#399) @scarrazza
- removing zpow and czpow gates (#409) @scarrazza
- Complex numbers in sympy Hamiltonians (#410) @stavros11
- Adjusts all tests to new format (#406) @stavros11
- Set test backend in conftest (#407) @stavros11
- Remove matmuleinsum backend (#404) @stavros11
- refactoring for qibotf (#400) @scarrazza
- fixing tests for numpy/qibotf (#403) @scarrazza
- Reuploading fix (#401) @AdrianPerezSalinas
- Falqon (#378) @AdrianPerezSalinas
- Make matrices backend agnostic (#402) @stavros11
- moving distributed circuit into core (#395) @scarrazza
- backends auto-discovery (#394) @scarrazza
- documentation instructions (#393) @scarrazza
- Grover model (#364) @igres26
- Examples grover (#389) @AdrianPerezSalinas
New Contributors
- @mlazzarin made their first contribution in #463
Full Changelog: v0.1.6-rc1...v0.1.6