This is a placeholder repository for potential development of nibabel
-like python package that is intended to make the management of Atlases for neuroimaging seamless, in all their diverse use-cases. We will collect and link to various relevant resources to facilitate this discussion and project development.
As I currently envision it, a decent niatlas
package would offer the following features (consider it a wishlist):
- easy access (including I/O) to all the popular atlases just by their name, both volumetric- and surface-based.
- a well-defined data structure that provides, not only the parcellations, but also all the relevant
, such as
- the source of atlas, in terms of modalities and tha processes that generated it
- methods defining the parcellation,
- number, names and centroids of ROIs, along with resolution and dimensions
- whether it is intended to be used as a volumetric or surface atlas,
- domain tags that identify which age-group this atlas would be ideal for, along with other info related to target population
- etc
- several convenience methods to perform the common operations on atlases including but not limited to
- computing ROI-based statistics
- masking operations
- Methods to obtain different variations of the same atlas e.g.
- resampling the parcellation to a different resolution, or to different dimensions (that respects the internal parcellations)
- scale control in terms of number or size of ROIs i.e. methods for subdividing or clustering existing ROIs
- conversion to different spaces, such as between volumetric and surface-oriented spaces
- conversion between atlas- and subject-spaces
- visualization routines for all the common analyses needs
- easy integration and high interoperability with popular tools and ecosystems
Some prior discussion on potential data structures for Atlas object and uniform access to parcellations at nilearn here
- nilearn
utilities- ` nilabels <>`_ : tools to automate simple manipulations and measurements of medical image segmentations
- AtlasReader to generate coordinate tables and region labels from statistical MRI images :
- pysurfer visualization tool:
- python package for subparcellation of fsaverage etc:
- shell scripts to move from atlas space to subject space
- Different atlases in MNI space:
- Different atlases from Thomas Yeo's lab
- BALSA (Brain Analysis Library of Spatial maps and Atlases) is a database for hosting and sharing neuroimaging and neuroanatomical datasets for human and primate species.
- Brain signature patterns, atlases of regions, and meta-analysis masks from Tor Wager's lab: