This project aims to bring back the posix profile for Vala.
Instead of modifying the compiler, posixvala reimplements the basic features of GLib in tiny include files to let the generated C code compile without any other dependency than libc.
Not all features of Vala are currently supported by posixvala and it is not suposed to perform as well as GLib (lacks slices and other libraries) and posixvala programs cannot link against glib libraries.
- Vala and Genie languages
- Import VAPIs
- Compact classes
- String processing
- List and SList
- Exceptions
- Delegates
- Inheritance
- Structs
- Lambdas
- Closures
- Abstract Classes (Requires non-compact)
- Interfaces (requires gobject machinery)
- Async methods
- Non-compact classes
- Regular expressions